Friend or Foe

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Frisk stormed out of the house, tired of their stupid friends and their stupid rules. So they had tried to rip off Marco's wings and almost exorcised Bipper, so what? They were monsters that had to be exterminated and Frisk hadn't killed a monster in forever. Everyone else gets to murder whoever they want, but when Frisk tries to kill Star it becomes a huge problem. "They're all hypocrites," Frisk grumbled under their breath. 

They walked deeper into the woods, their groans get louder and more irritated by the second. Monsters were evil. Monsters must die. They were simply trying to get stronger and might have accidentally forgotten the rule that stated they couldn't kill any of the Bad End Friends. But seriously, Wirt was overreacting when he said Frisk could have caused permanent damage to Bipper. The crazed demon would have probably enjoyed it anyway.

Frisk huffed and sat on the ground when there was a burst of thunder and it started raining. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" They yelled up at the sky. Not only were they pissed, but now it was freaking raining! "Just my damn luck," Frisk mumbled under their breath, beginning to make the journey back home. That's when they heard something in the bushes.

Frisk took out their favorite knife and slowly crept up towards the bush, getting ready to kill whatever was inside. That's when two green eyes appeared. The eyes blinked and Frisk blinked back, startled by their sudden appearance. The creature meowed and Frisk realized it wasn't a monster but just a stray cat.

"Aww, are you stuck? Did some dirty monster chase you out here?" Frisk smiled and held their hand out to the cat who nuzzled its head on their palm. Frisk moved over to the bush and pulled at it trying to free the small kitten who was trapped inside. With enough tugging, the cat was free. 

It quickly leaped out of the bush and flew into the air. No, it literally flew! Two red dragon wings sprung out of the cat's back, helping it fly into the air. Frisk awed expression turned into a bloodlust grin and they tightened their grip on the knife. "So you were a monster all along. I can't wait to see how much EXP you drop!" Frisk lunged trying to stab the dragon cat but it flew out of the way.

This continued long into the night. Frisk would come super close to catching the cat monster only for it to fly away. The worst part is that it would taunt them whenever they missed.  Frisk was getting tired of this but wouldn't give up. Not until the monster was slain and its loot was on the floor.

The cat flew off into a clearing of trees and Frisk followed. They snuck into the clearing only to step for first in a swamp. Frisk gagged and tried to pull her foot out but only got more stuck. The more they pulled the faster they sank. "Oh shit! Someone help! Bipper! Wirt! Morty! Someone, I'm stuck!" The sludge was up to their shoulders and it was becoming increasingly difficult to move. Frisk kept yelling, but no one came. No one could hear them all the way out here. They tried to use their save and reset power but were too panicked to activate it. So they sank deeper into the mud. Until they felt something pull on their sweater.

The thing kept pulling on their sweater, slowly but surely pulling Frisk out of the swamp. Once Frisk was waist-deep, they dug their fingers into the ground and pulled themselves out. They huffed and laid on the floor trying to catch their breath. That's when a familiar-looking cat landed on their stomach. Frisk sat up and raised their brow at the strange cat then looked back at the swamp. "D-did you just save me?" The cat purred and curled up in Frisk's lap, its dragon wings lightly fluttering behind it. Frisk smiled and gently pat the creature. Maybe this monster can live.

Frisk picked up the cat dragon and made their way home. They sighed and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to let them inside. Wirt opened the door and looked down at Frisk and then the cat in their hand. "What the hell is that?" he asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Hey Beasty, who's at the do- oh hey Frisk." Bipper poked his head through the door entrance and his yellow eyes immediately landed on the cat in Frisk's hand. "Oh my fucking god, IS THAT A CAT!" Before Frisk could answer, Bipper snatched the feline out of their hands and began cuddling and petting the creature, who purred and flicked its tail happily. "If this is to make up for almost killing me earlier then apology accepted!" Frisk smiled happy that someone liked the cat as much as they did. Unfortunately, Wirt didn't see the pet's appeal. 

"Bipper you have no clue where it came from, and it has dragon wings. It might be dangerous, so best to put it back into the woods." "But it saved me while I was in the woods," Frisk quickly pointed out, hoping that Wirt would let them keep the cat. "That's great but we're not keeping it," Wirt said sternly. He didn't care if it was dangerous, but he wasn't about to be stuck taking care of the damn animal. Also, he couldn't help but be jealous of the animal for stealing away Bipper's attention. Bipper defensively held the cat closer and frowned at the lantern bearer. "We can't just leave Luna outside in the pouring rain! She'll get soaked!" 

Frisk and Wirt lifted their brows at the demon and tipped their heads to the side. "Luna?" they both questioned. "Yup she's got a crescent moon on her stomach." To prove his point, Bipper held up the cat, showing the crescent moon shape on the fur of her belly. Frisk grinned while Wirt face-palmed annoyed that the demon already named the animal and was probably emotionally attached to it. Frisk noticed this and smirked, knowing that Wirt wouldn't dare take the cat away if Bipper got attached. "Well, since she has a name it's probably best to just keep her. You wouldn't want to emotionally hurt Bipper by taking it away, right?" Wirt blushed and groaned, not wanting to deal with this anymore, and nodded. "Okay you can keep it, but you two are responsible for it, got it?" They both gave Wirt a thumbs up then ran inside to play with Luna more. 

Wirt sighed and followed them inside. This was such a bad idea.

Hello internet peeps and happy new years! (Wow first I do the Christmas special one day late and now I'm saying happy new years a day late, oh well) The second everyone lays their eyes on the cat they immediately fall in love with the pet. Well everyone except Wirt, but he'll come around eventually. Tomorrow will be a Q and A (question and answer) so please leave me some questions or even request in the comments below (don't ask me to draw, I suck at it). I hope you're having a great day and see you tomorrow! 

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