Origin part 7: The Twisted Heart

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It feels like forever since I've written a chapter. Also, I'm currently moving so if this comes out super late, that's the reason why. (For the sake of the bad end Au, let's say that the mewberty episode happened after the blood moon ball) Alright, let's get started!

Life, to put it in simple terms, was shit.

It had all went downhill after the ball. That accursed ball where she lost her best friend. From then on it was loss after loss after loss. She had to tell his parents that their son was most likely dead. She locked herself up in her room all alone, couldn't bear to leave the house only to be reminded of him everywhere she went.

Then the fires began to spread.

And the screaming began.

And for the first time in months Star left the house to find the town she had begun to call home a pile of ash. The scent of smoke penetrated her nose and made her gag, tears burning her blue eyes. People were running but then in a flash of fire, they were dead on the floor. Star looked around at the destruction surrounding her and had one thought: Run.

Before the fires could claim her house, she ran inside and grabbed three items: The wand, the book of spells, and the dimensional scissors. With those in her hand, she ran out of town, leaving the best home she ever had behind her. 

In the safety of the forest, the princess stopped running, her lungs forcing air in and out of her body. "Whoa, princess. Where's the fire?" From the book a small blue man floated out, hovering above Star. At the mention of fire, Star silently cried and fell onto her knees. "Oh, Glossaryck! Th-there was a. . . and everything. . . it's all gone!" Glossaryck looked down at Star and sighed, floating down so that they were at eye level. "I think you have more important problems than a fire," he said, his diamond eyes focused on Star's cheek.

She followed his gaze and touched her cheek, gasping when she felt something sticky on her skin. She peeled it off and her eyes widened at the sight of a sticky purple heart. "Oh no. No, no, oh come on! First, the town is destroyed, now I have to deal with this!" she yelled, waving the heart around.

"Well, at least it will wear off at 3: 57. . . . or never," Glossaryck added quietly. He didn't want to worry her about the less than ideal outcome of mewberty. Star sighed and nodded, wiping away her tears while she stood up. This was gonna pass, all she needed to do was stay away from bo-

"Aahh!" A young teenage boy ran into the forest, Star immediately recognizing them as Oskar Greason. Her eyes glowed and more purple hearts started popping up on Star's face. "Boy," the mewman princess said hypnotically. Oskar blinked in confusion and Star just moved closer, a creepy smile spreading across her face. "Boy!" 

With a quick wave of her hand Oscar was stuck to a tree, covered in sticky, web-like hearts. Star grinned, more purple hearts growing on her body and two butterfly wings sprouting from her back. Oskar struggled against the webs so Star shot more, trying to keep him in place. A blast of webs covered his mouth and nose, blocking off his flow of air. The boy began sputering and gasping for air, only managing to choke on the webs holding him hostage. Then he went limp.

Star only blinked at the now dead boy and flew off, looking for her next target. It didn't take long for the woods were crawling with lost people, all of them fleeing from the Echo Creek fire. Too bad they were running right into the butterfly's webs. She quickly trapped them, her webs slowly killing them off like flys. Then she flew into the air in search of more prey.

It did not wear off by 3:57.

~~Months later~~

"Don't run off!" Star sighed and began the chase, something she was very good at. They all ran away and all of them ended up dead in her webs. Seriously, if they didn't try to run, then maybe they would survive.

The boy picked up speed until he tripped over a branch. Star rolled her eyes at how idiotic he was, but shrugged. Couldn't be to picky these days. The butterfly flicked her hand and a web of hearts shot out, successfully trapping him. Unfortunately for her, she was to forceful and ended up stabbing the boy through the back. "Damnit," Star mumbled, floating back down to the ground. She dragged the corpse through the woods and over to an area cover in purple heart webs. Star threw the boy onto one of the webs and sighed, going out to look for another.

(Meanwhile with the Bad Ends)

Evil Morty: Hey Bipshit, I'm picking up some magical activity nearby.

Bipper: *currently has a bunch of forks jammed in his arms* Lets go check it out! Hey guys, were going on a road trip!

(Back with Star)

"Huh, at least I managed to find something to eat." Star bit into the apple she found and flew through the forest. The woods were quiet but honestly, the princess liked it like that. No screaming, no running, just peace. Of course that had to be immediately ruined.

In the distance there was a flash of bright light, accompanied by a whirring sound. Star flew over and her eyes went wide at the sight of a very familiar portal. What but that's impossible, I'm the only one who was dimensional scissors. . . right?  Star stayed quiet and watched from afar, eyes narrowed at the portal in front of her.

A young boy with yellow eyes hopped out and Star's mind went into instant boy-crazy mode. "Boy!" She flew out and wrapped him in webs, grinning from ear to ear. "Hi cutie!" "Haha, no." A bunch of branches came headed towards them and quickly sliced through the webs, dropping the boy to the floor. He quickly caught himself midfall and floated back down to the ground, turning to another boy with antlers for branches. "Thanks Beasty." The boy just nodded and waved his hand, getting rid of the vines.

Star groaned but shook her head. No one ever caught a fly with vinegar, they used forceful magic to imobalize them! With that in mind she flew down to the ground, ready to capture them all, when a familiar person caught her eye. The butterfly floated down to the ground, eyes wide in surprise.

"M-Marco?" S-Star?" The two stared at each for a moment before Star rushed forward and wrapped Marco in a hug. The demon quickly returned the gesture and both of them started laughing. "What the hell happened to you?" They both asked at the same time, making them laugh even more. "Mewberty." "Demon magic." 

Star sighed and moved away, frowning at the floor. "Marco. . . Ugh, I'm so sorry! Y-you're right I should have listened." "What no! I should have just trusted you and not been stupid." Star laughed and punched the demon's arm. "Yeah stupid. I thought you would know I'm always right by now. But enough about that, nice demon form! And who are your very handsome friends?" Star asked, smirking over at all the other boys. "Um hey! My eye is up here!" One of them, wearing an eyepatch, yelled.

Marco chuckled then lead her over. "I'll tell you about. . . everything later. But for now, let's go home."

~~Drunk Tree Boi~~

Marco: There there, let it all out. *pats Wirt on back*

Wirt: I killed my hic fucking br- hic brother! I deserve to hic die!

Marco:*sighs* It's all okay, Wirt.

Wirt: No it's hic not! *branches grow out of the ground while he cries*

This came out even later than expected. Sorry about that, like I said I've been busy all day with moving so this took really long. But I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful night! Goodnight bat fam!

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