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A lot of you requested this scene so now I'm writing. I hope you're happy, you get two updates in one day. (Spoiled little soul-suckers)

They were tired. 

They were annoyed.

They were restless.

How long had it been? How long since they had the chance to spill the blood of dirty monsters on the floor? How many times had the voice told them to 'fucking kill something already!' but they couldn't because of the stupid house rule? It was a truly stupid rule, but one they had to learn if they wanted a home. No killing, Frisk recited in their head, even using Wirt's annoying nagging voice. Frisk sighed and fiddled with their knife. It had been so long that the blood on the dagger was all dried and crusty. No, it should be coated with fresh monster blood. 

You're bored. You're tired. You need to let loose. Just kill one of them. It's your entire reason for existence. Kill and have some fun! "But the rule," Frisk responded to the voice, who they had been calling Chara. Even though Chara was just a voice (and possibly even a figment of Frisk's imagination), they could just picture the eye roll Chara was doing. Are you seriously going to let some stupid rule stop you!? Pfft, how weak. 

Frisk shot up, lips curved into a scowl. "I am not weak," they spat out as if the word 'weak' were some dirty curse. Then chose one of them and kill them. It'll be easy. Frisk nodded then thought to themselves who they should kill. That's when an idea struck them like lightning. Ok so maybe not lighting, more like a loud blast coming from the demon they shared a house with's bedroom.

Frisk, along with the others, ran over to Bipper's room to investigate the loud noise only to find the half-demon about to make a deal with a much larger and fiercer-looking demon. "What the hell are you doing!" Marco yelled, capturing their attention. Bipper rolled his eyes and said, "first off, learn to knock. Second I'm kind of in the middle of something here so-" Bipper was interrupted by Morty, who pushed past him and poured holy water on the demon in the summoning circle. The demon shriveled up and died, giving Frisk a great plan.

"Ok rude! You don't just interrupt a summon! Also, why do you have holy water?" Bipper asked, still upset about the others ruining his summoning. Morty returned the bottle to his pocket and said, "one demon is enough. Also, I was planning to poison you with this but now I'm all out." The two started arguing and left the room, everyone else following. Everyone except Frisk, who was committing the summoning circle to heart.

"Oh, this will be fun."


Bipper was back in his room cleaning up the rest of his summoning stuff after trying to rip out Morty's vocal cords. He put away all the candles and, very carefully, wiped up all the holy water off the floor. Right as he was about to put away his book of demonic magic, the most amazing and alluring smell entered the room. The demon perked up and grinned. "Cheesecake," Bipper said, already drooling at the mouth. 

He quickly left his room in pursuit of the delicious and amazing desert that is cheesecake. Following its scent, Bipper flew down the hall and stopped at Frisk's room, where the smell seemed to be coming from. He kicked down the door and rushed inside to find the cake sitting on a plate in the middle of the dark empty room. Now usually this would set off some red flags, but Bipper couldn't care less when cheesecake was involved. 

He rushed over and picked up the delectable dessert, immediately eating it. That's when red flames formed a circle around him and maniacal laughter filled the room. Frisk stepped into view and the demon groaned. Of course, this bitch had to show up and ruin his cheesecake time. 

"I'm honestly surprised you fell for th-" "Listen I would love to hear your whole villain monologue thing, but the cheesecake is calling my name." Frisk rolled their eyes and waited for Bipper to finish then, once he was done, went back to what they were saying. "I've gone too long without murdering someone. You will be my first target. Get ready to be exorcised demon!" Frisk grinned waiting for the monster to cower in fear only for him to do the exact opposite. He laughed.

"Oh hahaha! Frisk, are you serious!" He flew into the air, his eyes glowing a blood red. "First rule of an exorcism: always tie down the demon." Bipper flew past them and Frisk ran after him, knife in hand. They chased each other around Frisk's room neither of them getting tired and both of them enjoying the thrill of the hunt. That is until Frisk grabbed Bipper by his tailcoat and the demon flew backward. He tumbled to the ground and back into the summoning circle. 

Frisk laughed then pulled out a very familiar-looking book. "Hey! Did you- why does everyone keep stealing stuff from my room!" "Because it's super easy to," Frisk said with a shrug. They flipped through the book then began chanting a spell that caused blue chains to wrap around Bipper wrist and ankles. The chains burned and the demon kicked and screamed, trying to break out. Once the chains stopped burning he relaxed and turned to glare at Frisk.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" Frisk laughed and stalked closer to the demon. "What? I don't see the problem with tying you up and painfully torturing you for my pleasure and entertainment." ". . . well that's kinky as fuck, you weirdo. Now let me go before I rip your head off!" "Not until you're dead!"

Frisk began chanting again and the chains glowed and burned. Bipper yelled and thrashed, his eyes quickly changing between yellow and red. Frisk watched with satisfaction. Chara was right, it was so much fun! I should do this more oft- "What the hell is going on!" Frisk stopped chanting and they turned to find Wirt glaring at them. "Wirt!?" "Hey, Beasty," Bipper said dreamily, happy to see the lantern bearer. 

Wirt, however, was too busy glaring at Frisk to notice. He stormed over and snatched the book out of their hands then used a spell to destroy the summoning circle. "Thanks, Beasty! Oh, and thanks for the cheesecake Frisk," Bipper said smugly before running out of the room.  Frisk nervously laughed and tugged at the collar of their sweater then said, "I wasn't actually-" "You're on cleaning duty for the next fucking month!" Frisk groaned and stormed out of the room. 

Should have listened to the rule.

There, now you know what happened when Frisk tried to exorcise Bipper. If you want to capture a demon, figure out its weakness. Bipper's weakness happens to be cheesecake, and who can blame him, that stuff is good. That's all from me so goodnight bat fam!

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