Left Brain, Right Brain

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Guys put on your party hats and break out the bubbly because we just hit 1.1k reads! *Happy kazoo noises* I am honestly so happy and surprised and thankful for all of you lovely readers. I couldn't have come this far without you guys so give yourselves a round of applause because you deserve it! Who knew a book idea that my sleep-deprived brain thought of at 3 am would have made it this far? Not me, that's who! Yet here we are, even with all the missed updates and times I got sick as frick (hey, that rhymes), you all have been there to support me and encourage me to keep going. So, once again thank you for everything!

Now your probably all wondering 'Hey, this doesn't look like a Q/A. Did insanebatkid lie to us?' The answer is no, I did not lie! The Q/A will be happening tomorrow so you still have one more day to ask me and the B.E.F any questions your dark hearts desire. Now, your brains a probably a buzz thinking, 'well if this isn't the Q/A, what is it?' Well, this is a skit inspired by my terrible habit of scrolling through youtube when I should be asleep. It's called Left Brain, Right Brain by Bo Burnham and after watching it like 10 times I thought, 'huh, this is exactly like Morty and Marco's friendship'. So without further ado, let's jump into today's skit! I suggest watching the video above, it's an animatic and is really good!

(Warning: there is quite a lot of cursing and a bit lewd humor, so heads up)

Bipper: This is Morty Smith: Objective, Logical, Cold, Analytical. Aware of patterns, Aware of trends. He's efficient . . . and a prick.

Beast Wirt: This is Marco Diaz: Subjective, creative, sensory. Aware of feelings, Aware of people. He's emotional-

Marco: Yes

Beast Wirt: And an idiot

Marco: Well that's your opinion so, careful with opinions.

Bipper: Okay boys, play nice.

Morty: I am Morty, I'm Morty Smith. I work really hard till my inevitable death. You got a job to do you better do it right. And the right way is with Morty Smith.

Marco: 🎵 I like Oreos and puss- (No Marco!)! Yeah, and I cried for at least an hour after watching toy story 3! I am Marco, I have feelings! I'm a little all over the place but I'm lustful, trustful, and I'm looking for somebody to love!🎵 Or put my peni- (Shut up Marco!)

Morty: *looks at Mabel* Here comes a female! Here comes a female. Puff your chest out. I'll take your phone out and check your email. Our evolutionary purpose is repopulate, so gather data now and see if she's a possible mate.

Marco: *looks at Star* Holy fuck! I think she might be the one🎵! There's something about her, I just can't describe it!🎵

Morty: . . . tits

Marco: 🎵 I am the earth she's the glorious sun🎵! I just want her to trust me, and I just want her to sit on my- (Shut up! Don't make me get the spray bottle, you dirty-minded piece of crap)

Morty: Alright now Marco, you're being insane.

Marco: No Morty, I'm just being alive! You should try it. *nudges Morty with his elbow* You might like it!

Morty: I worked hard to give this team everything we cared about. You were worried about the things that we were scared about. I'm calm and collected when you act wild. *points to himself* I am the adult *points to Marco* you are the child.

Marco: You think you're the right one every time! You think you know everything, you don't know anything at all. Half this team's problems were supposed to be mine! But you wanted everything. I hope that you're happy, 'cause we're sure not.

Morty: Yeah, well according to my calculations . . . you're a dumbass.

Marco: Name-calling? Really? You're gonna do name-calling?

Morty: I'm not calling names, I'm just stating facts. And the fact is . . . you're a fucking dumbass!

Marco: I'm the dumbass!? Well, at least I don't play with toys still.

Morty: Ok, Rubik's cubes are not toys! They keep my spacial reasoning skills sharp.

Marco: Morty plays with toys! Look at you, Johnny fucking . . . toy player. (nice comeback Marco)

Morty: Well at least I did my FUCKING JOB! I kept us working, I kept us productive! You were supposed to look after us. You were supposed to keep this team emotionally stable through all this. Now you're trying to blame me for how we're 'feeling'. How we're feeling! If this team's feeling unhappy, it's because you failed us! You did this to us, we hate you. I know we do. THIS TEAM FUCKING HATES YOU!

Marco: *breaks down into tears*

Morty: M-Marco, look I'm sorry.

Marco *sticks up middle finger*  No you're not.

Morty: . . . Look maybe there's something we can do together.

Marco: T-together?

Morty *puts a hand on Marco's shoulder* Take the best parts of both of us and put them together.

Marco: I-I'm listening.

Morty: It would let you let your feelings out. It would let me analyze. So you could man the themes, I'll man the form. It's something that George Carlin did-

Marco: Who?

Morty: It's something that Steve Martin did. It's something special that we could both perform. Do you know what it is?

Marco: Juggling! We could juggle, and juggle our cares away! (Marco you absolute idiot)

Morty: *facepalms* It was comedy. We could do comedy together.

*offstage beeping noises*

Morty: Alright Marco, we're going to do comedy together.

Marco: All right Morty, I'll do comedy with you!

Morty: Look we can fix them like this. We can make this team happy again. I promise.

Marco: Morty . . . Morty I love you! (platonically guys. Calm your shit)

Morty: . . . I know

Both of them: *bow* Thank you very much!

The others: . . . uh, what the hell was all that?

Phew, that was really fun! I totally suggest checking out Bo Burnham, he's a hilarious comedian and his songs are just too funny. This is basically the summary of Morty and Marco's friendship: they hang out, they fight, then they hug it out. Meanwhile, the others are just videotaping the whole thing to use as blackmail later because Morty doesn't want to admit he enjoys hugs and Marco's company. Once again (for like the 10th time), I'm doing a Q/A chapter with all the characters so please, I'm begging you, ask us anything. Don't tell Finn I told you this, but he's willing to give up his month supply of Finncakes for more questions. (This is between you and me got it?) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. . . whatever the hell this was and I will see you tomorrow! Goodbye, my little soul-suckers!

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