Origin Part 1: The Burning Pinetree

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It's backstory time my lovely little soul-suckers! Time to journey to the past and see what happened to these fucked up children! But that's not all! Thanks to ahorrorifixwriter, every origin chapter will end with a snippet of our favorite drunk tree gnome!  It was a dare and I love it so now it's happening. Anyway, let's get started!

(Note: There will be some changes to better fit the story)

The clock was counting down. Each tick more ominous than the last. He would lose it all. Everything, all his hard work, all his progress, gone. 


"Tic Tock kid."


No! No I can't!


"Uh, just one puppet?"



They shook hands and the clock stopped, much to Dipper's relief. It was fine, it was just a puppet. What could he possibly do with one measly puppet? Mabel had a million of them. Dipper took a breath of relief and looked up at the floating triangle. "So which puppet are you gonna pick, anyway?" Bill gave the answer some thought before saying, "Hmm, let's see. Eine, meenie, mynie, YOU!

In an instance, Dipper was ripped from his body. The young boy tumbled into the air and looked at himself, sticking a hand through his stomach. "This can't be happening! What did you do to my body!?" Dipper's body stood up and turned to face him, two yellow snake eyes looking up at him with a smile. "Sorry, kid. But you're my puppet now!"

Bill picked up the laptop and threw it on the ground smashing it to pieces. Dipper screamed. He lost it. He lost his progress, his hard work, and his body. It was all gone. "This can't be happening!" Dipper shouted, but no one answered him. No one could hear him, and the only one who knew he was there was too busy 'testing out' his new vessel.

"I thought we had a deal!" Bill laughed and turned to Dipper, grinning mischievously. "Look kid, you've been getting way too close to figuring out some major answers. I've got big plans comin' and I don't need you gettin' in my way. Destroying that laptop was a cinch. Now I just need to destroy your journal. Race ya to the bottom of the stairs!" And with that Bill fell backward down the stairs. Dipper cringed at the injuries Bill was probably giving him and flew down, following the demon.

I have to stop him!

~~Timeskip to the Theatre Fight~~

Dipper watched as Bill and his sister fell to the floor, the cardboard cake bursting apart. They began wrestling with each other trying to get the journal. Dipper cheered for his sister, it looked like she was going to win! Bill wasn't giving up though. He started getting more violent with his attacks. When Mabel went to tickle him, Bill grabbed her hand and punched her in the face. Dipper gasped and watched helplessly as the demon kicked Mabel in the ribs.

Mabel tried to go for Bill again, but was kicked and sent flying backward into a set. Her back hit the wall and she fell to the floor, struggling to move. Dipper looked over from his broken sister to Bill who was going for the journal. He had to do something! Bill couldn't have the journal! Dipper closed his eyes and flew forward into his body.

The second he made contact with his body he could hear Bill screaming. But he was screaming too, wasn't he? Who was the one screaming, both of them, neither of them? All they could see was a blinding light. Where did Bill begin, where did Dipper end? When the light died down, the theatre came back into view. Crowds of people were watching them. He could see his family, his enemies, in the front row. His sister, the shooting star, looked up at him in fear. Why was she scared? She should be scared.

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