Origin Part 4: The Demon of The Blood Moon

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This wasn't going to end well. She should have just stayed here. That ball was nothing but bad news. He tried to warn her, get her to stay here with him. But no, she left, and now he was home alone, eating nachos while his best friend was off probably in trouble. 

Marco sighed, dusting chips off his black tux. "I'll have my own blood moon ball in Star's room," the teen mumbled, mouth full of nachos. "Where it's always fun." Marco sighed again and cast a glance at the blood moon in the sky. 

"Blood  moon tonight."

Marco jumped up and looked around, trying to find where that voice had come from. His eyes landed on the painting of a sea captain. When he couldn't find anything, the boy just sighed and sat back down.

"The moon of lovers."

Marco jumped from his seat again, turning his gaze over to the sea captain painting. He frowned and narrowed his eyes at the bell and hammer Tom had given Star. An idea came to his mind and he took the bell and hammer. 

He was going to save Star from that blood moon.

~~10-minute timeskip~~

Demons of all shapes and sizes were at this ball. Marco searched the crowd looking for Star so that he could take her home. This ball was evil and he knew it. Someone tapped a microphone and everyone looked over to see a demon on the stage. 

"Ahem. Good evening, ladies and gentledemon. It is my pleasure that I request you now to turn your heads skyward." Everyone turned their heads to the ceiling where a cresenct-shaped opening was appearing. "When the light of the blood moon drubbles down and selects two lucky souls, binding them together for eternity in its hypnotic, ruby brodum." Everyone oohed and ahhed as a red crescent moon peeked through the ceiling opening, it's light shining down on the ball.

Marco tore his eyes away from the blood moon and walked through the sea of dancing couples, occasionally spotting Star, who was wandering through the party. "Star!" he whisper-yelled, trying to grab her attention. When she was close enough, Marco grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. 

The light of the blood moon shined down on the two and they started dancing together, all the other demons gasping. "Star." "How do you know my name?" the mewman said in a dreamy fashion. Marco lifted up his skull mask, revealing himself to the princess. "It's me! Marco!" "Marco! What are you doing here?" 

Before he could answer, someone had pushed Marco down and away from Star. "That dance. . . was meant. . . for ME!" Red fire surrounded them so it was only Marco and Tom. When the fire extinguished they were down in a dungeon. 

Tom grabbed Marco by his collar, his eyes red and flames shooting up behind him. "You're dead human! That was MY dance! You ruined EVERYTHING!" Tom's eyes slowly faded back to normal and he frowned, dropping Marco onto the floor. With a snap of the demon's fingers, chains made of hell fire burst out of the ground and wrapped around Marco. 

"Hey! What the hell man!? It's not my fault she doesn't like you!" "Yeah, well once I'm done with you, she won't like you either." Tom'ss eyes went red again and he started shouting a demoinc chant that burned Marco's skin. Marco screamed, pain shooting through his body, the chains digging into his skin. Fire burned around him, suffocating him in the intense heat.

Tom's chanting got louder and Marco's pain only increased. Sharp claws grew from his fingertips, his eyes turned black with red pupils, and two large and ripped up bat wings extended from his back. When the spell was finished, Marco fell to the floor and tried to catch his breath. 

Tom smirked and lifted up Marco's chin, holding a mirror to the boy's face. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Marco asked, studying his reflection in the glass. "I made you a demon, now you can't get in the way of me and Star. Oh, I almost forgot!" Tom snapped and two iron bracelets appeared on Marco's wrists. They glowed red, flashing different symbols, then returned to their normal silver color.

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