Surprise Visitor

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There are certain sounds that no one ever expects to hear in their life. For some, it might be the sound of a shark ripping off their limbs. For others, it might be the sound of cheering as they make the winning shot. For the Bad End Friends, it was the sound of the doorbell, which they didn't even know they had. And yet, it was ringing, alerting everyone in the house that someone was outside.  

They all looked up from what they were doing and turned to the door then each other. "Was anyone expecting a package?" Marco asked. They all shook their heads no and Bipper pointed out that even if they were, the delivery person would usually just leave it and run. The ringing of the bell began to increase, getting on everyone's nerves. "Is someone going to answer the door?" Finn asked while covering his ears, the noise starting to ear-itate him (Get it! Cause his ear and. . . I'll just stop). Wirt reluctantly got up and walked over to the door, opening it to find that no one was there.

Wirt scowled, even more annoyed, when a young boy the age of 10 seemingly popped out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of him. "Hello!" the boy cheered excitedly while wearing a creepy face-splitting grin. Wirt calmed down enough to see that it was just Max, though that didn't lessen his surprise. "Max, what are you doing here? I thought you were with Coraline (aka Mother Widow)." "Oh I was, but she said she needed a break so she told me to come here. She even wanted me to give you this note." Max reached into the pocket of his white hoody and pulled out a small piece of paper, handing it over to Wirt.

 The note read: Dear Beast Wirt, I am freaking dying over here! This kid is the devil incarnate and if I have to spend another second with him, I think I might rip out my button eyes! Can you please watch over him so I can take a break? Wait, you don't exactly have a choice. Sincerely- Coraline

Wirt groaned then turned back to face the kid, only to find that he was gone. What the- where did he go?  Wirt's question was quickly answered by the sound of yelling coming from the house. He went inside and saw Max and Frisk chasing Marco around with knives while he tried to fly away from them. Marco quickly hid behind Wirt and the two youngest Bad End Friends paused and frowned at the winged teen. "Hey, hiding is against the rules." Marco peeked out from behind Wirt's shoulder and narrowed his eyes at Max. "When you said we were playing tag, I didn't expect you to TRY AND STAB ME!" They both rolled their eyes and Max said, "well how else are you supposed to play?" "Exactly!" Frisk agreed, earning an eye roll from Wirt. Just what he needed, another psycho encouraging Frisk's already murderous behavior.

"Alright you two, how 'bout we find something to do that doesn't involve killing Marco." Max thought for a minute then ran off to the kitchen. An annoyed Morty was quickly pushed out and into the living room. "Can someone please explain why a knife-wielding kindergartner just pushed me out of the kitchen!" Morty yelled while gesturing to said child. Max poked his head out of the room with a smile and said, "I'm making a surprise. So no one can see."

They were perfectly content with leaving Max to his own devices and decided that keeping him confined to the kitchen was definitely the best choice. So, Wirt sat down on the couch, about to return to his book when Max burst into the room holding up glasses of red juice. 

"I MADE KOOL-AID!" He shouted while handing out cups to everyone. Bipper swirled the 'kool-aid' in his cup then took a sip, eyes widening as he did. "What the holy cipher did you put in here!?" the demon asked while spitting it out. "Sugar, water, rat poison, red food coloring-" "Rat poison!" they all yelled at the same time. Max shrugged and said, "well of course. What else would you make kool-aid with?" They all quickly poured out their cups while Max hummed happily, grabbing a bunch of markers and drawing on the floor.

"What are you doing now?" Star asked, still apprehensive after the 'kool-aid' incident. "Oh, I'm preparing a ritual to summon our lord and savior  Xemüg!" Max then ran over to Bipper and Marco and dragged them into the middle of the circle. "There. Now I have two demons to sacrifice to  Xemüg!" The two demons quickly fled the circle and hid behind the couch, not in the mood to get sacrificed by a 10-year-old. 

"H-how long are you staying?" Marco asked, still glaring at the summoning circle. "Oh, only for about a week." All the Bad End Friends fell to the floor groaning at their 'friends' extended visit. Well everyone except Frisk, who was happy to have a murdering partner in crime.

Little bit of a backstory on how they know Max. They found him all alone at camp, everyone else dead and being sacrifice by the insane 10-year-old, and decided to take him in. However, they are idiots and know nothing about handling a little kid so they brought him to Mother Widow. She accepted the responsibility of watching him because. . . well she's basically a mother, it's like in her name. So yeah, I've never watched Camp Camp so I don't really know much about him but I think I did an okay job. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and have a good day, afternoon, evening?. . Meh who cares. Bye bat fam!

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