Bipper vs. Morty

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Bipper excitedly ran downstairs to the living room, getting ready for a new episode of his favorite show. The covers and blankets were all in place, the snacks were set up, the knives were all in the right place (you know, just in case things got boring). All that was left was to find the remote. Bipper searched for the TV controlling mechanism when he found a horrifying surprise. Morty had it. 

"Looking for something Bipper," Morty said with a devious smirk. Bipper sighed then smiled innocently while his eyes turned a burning red. "Look Smith, I'm kinda not in the mood to kick your ass right now, so if you could just hand over the remote that would be great." Bipper reached over for the remote but Morty just pulled it away and shook his head. "Well, I'm afraid you can't have it. Sorry, but the poor widdle demon is going to have to find something else to do." Bipper continued to smile, though it was more creepy and evil than anything, and moved forward, grabbing Morty by the collar of his shirt so that they were eye to eye. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Give me the damn remote or I'll roast your sorry ass and feed your disgusting remains to a pack of wolves." Morty glared at Bipper, hate coursing through his non-covered eye, and grabbed the remote with both hands and snapped it in half. "Oops." 

A large blue flame ignited at Bipper's feet and he tackled Morty to the ground while shouting multiple curses (some of them in demon language) at the boy. The other Bad End Friends came to see what the ruckus was only to find it was just Morty and Bipper fighting again. Mabel took out the smile dip from her skirt pocket and ate while enjoying the entertainment. "I bet Bipper's going to win this week," Finn said while watching the demon attempt to rip out Morty's eye. "20 bucks says Morty is gonna win," Marco challenged. The rest just watched and waited for them to tire out, not wanting to interfe- "Oww you little shit! Biting isn't allowed!" Morty yelled as Bipper sank his teeth into his arm. "Okay I think that's enough," Wirt said. He raised his hand and two branches shot out of the ground and wrapped around the two, dragging them apart. 

"Can't you two work out your problems like civilized people?" Bipper turned to face Wirt with an innocent smile and said, "I think I was being very civil." "You bit my fucking arm, you weirdo!" Bipper looked confused for a second and tipped his head to the side, though mentally he was laughing his ass off. "Hmm, I don't remember biting not being allowed. Oh well, we all make mistakes." Morty's eye widened and he turned to his friends with a flabbergasted expression. "Are you not hearing this!? He always plays the innocent and gets away with it! Why does no one care what that sad excuse for a demon does to me." "What did you call me?" "A sad excuse for a demon, what are you gonna do about it!" Bipper burned the branches that were holding him back and once again went back to strangling Morty. The two continued to wrestle and fight while the others just watched, slightly amused.

Today was going to be fun.


"Hehe, he's not gonna know what hit him." Morty continued to pour grease all over the stairs, mentally congratulating himself for coming up with such an ingenious plan. It was pretty simple. Bipper would walk out of his room and go down the stairs only to fall to the bottom and hopefully break something. All that was left was to wait for the demon to show up. 

Morty heard a door open and turned to find Birthday Mabel standing behind him. "Whatcha doin'?" Mabel asked, looking over to the grease-covered stairs. "Getting Bipper back for all the shit he's done,"  Morty responded with a proud smirk. "So is he supposed to slip and fall?" "Exactly, and I'm gonna get the whole thing on video. It'll be hilarious!" Mabel chuckled then looked up at Morty with a flirtatious smirk. "Wow, I never knew evil could look so cute on you." "Why thank you, now hush I think I hear him coming." The two waited at the top of the stairs but after a few minutes, no one came out of the hall. Or at least Morty thought no one came out into the hall. It wasn't until he felt a hand on his back and a familiar voice whisper, "gotcha" that he realized Bipper had tricked him. 

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