Headcanons part 2

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It's been a while so I thought 'hey why not update the hcs?' Besides next week is a two-parter and I didn't want to split it up by doing one part today and making you wait a week for the next. Your welcome.

-The B.E.F in order of youngest to oldest is Frisk, Morty, Bipper, Mabel, Finn, Star, Marco, Wirt

-Finn has very few memories of his life before the crown and the ones he can remember are sad and painful

-Marco is the designated driver since the others can't drive for the life of them

-There are a total of 17 rooms in the mansion. 8 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, basement, attic, weapons room, 3 bathrooms (that includes Bipper's personal bathroom in his room), and a library

-No matter what, Bipper can not get drunk due to Bill's magic. It would take alcohol from the 9th circle of Hell in order to get the half-demon wasted. He uses this power to kick Morty's ass in drinking competitions.

-The B.E.F do not mess around when it comes to being sick. If you so much as sneeze, they will lock you in your room with a bowl of soup and keep you there for a week.

-When Bipper and Mabel go on a massive killing spree (ya know normal sibling bonding), they listen to music and dance and sing while killing people

-Wirt has what I like to call a 'beast mode'. His actions are completely controlled by an animalistic bloodthirst, and he can't remember anything that happened. His veins turn black, his eyes go white, and his hands go completely black with claws.

-Speaking of bloodthirst, the blood of a living creature contains remnants of the creatures soul. Wirt eats their soul by feasting on the victims blood (kinda like a vampire except no neck-biting). He hates the taste so to make it more bearable, he adds the blood to his coffee.

-Halloween is their least favorite holiday since teenagers would dare each other to go to the 'haunted mansion in the woods'. The first few times it was fun scaring the shit out of them but now it's annoying.

-Frisk teaches Finn to read

-The town that the B.E.F live in is called Clivesdale, the neighboring city of the town Hachetfield. (To those of you who know where that's from, I love you)

-Finn and Marco are afraid of Carnival mascots (I don't blame them)

-Bipper is very fashionable and know's how to dress to impress. That being said he doesn't do laundry because, and I quote, 'washing clothes is a waste of time and he's a busy guy'. He usually tricks Finn to do it for him.

-For the supposed to be 'smartest Bad End Friend', Morty does not understand basic human emotions.

-Mabel still keeps up with her 'Mabel's guide to. . .' series with Star's help.

-Other demon's know about 'the possession incident' and have attempted to kill Bipper in order to be named the most powerful demon in the multiverse. More than their ego's get bruised after going against the badass half-demon.

-Mabel has made it her mission to be best friends with Frisk. Frisk has made it their mission to ignore and infuriate Mabel whenever they can.

-Finn doesn't take of his hat because everytime he does, someone mistakes him for a girl. Marco has offered to cut his hair for him but Finn refuses.

-Murder. Need I say more?

-When Mabel gets seriously pissed off at Bipper, she calls him Bason (since Mason is Dipper's real name).

-During summer, the B.E.F work at the Devil's Casino alongside Evil Cuphead and Vile Mugman.

-Finn hid a penguin in his room for 3 months before Wirt found out and made him get rid of it.

-They didn't start building the mansion until around the time Mabel joined. Before than they camped out in the woods. 

-The mansion actually only took 2 weeks to build thanks to magic and money.

-Bipper comes up a little past Wirt's shoulders which means he has to stand on his tipey toes to kiss the lantern bearer. Wirt finds it hilarious and often teases Bipper for being a short stack. (Don't worry Bip, I'm short too. Short peeps unite!)

-They all have a weapon of choice:
   Bipper usses a dagger and sometimes a flaming scythe
   Wirt uses an ax (duh)
   Finn fights with his ice sword 
   Mabel and Frisk fight with a knife
   Star and Marco fight with normal swords
   Morty uses multiple different types of guns

-I forgot to include this one in the last Headcannon so here it is. Bipper has no control over the dreams he goes in. It usually is based on how intense, vivid, or powerful the dream is. Sometimes he finds it fun and other times he is scarred for life from seeing some. . . very interesting 18+ type dreams.

And that's it! Like last time if you have any hcs you want to share, go ahead and tell me! I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next week for the 2 parter. Bye bye bat fam! Oh and someone please tell me they got the reference in the 12th headcannon.

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