First Date Part 2

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I had everything planned out. A Valentine's themed episode that was actually on Valentine's day! It was gonna be perfect. But then I got freaking sick and had to stay in bed while dying! So now the holiday-themed chapter is once again A DAY LATE!!!!! What the hell, is fate just conspiring against me so that I always miss the holiday by one freaking day! (I had a pretty interesting fever dream though, so you win some you lose some)

Okay, I'm. . . 43.6% calmed down. Now back to your regularly scheduled program! (That is once again a day late, but who gives a shit!? Not me of course!)

Wirt stood in front of a mirror (that he took from Marco's room) and straightened out his shirt, a small forming. After the disastrous day that was yesterday, he had finally got the courage to ask Bipper out. And he said yes! 

Hat or no hat, Wirt mentally debated, finally settling on leaving his signature cone hat behind. He brushed his hair back while going over the plan for today. They would leave the house in about 5 minutes, go on a small walk through the woods, and then he would impress Bipper with the picnic he had set up early in the day. Everything would go perfectly. (You jinxed it, Wirt)

"Wow look at you, getting all dressed up." Wirt jumped and turned to find Mabel sitting behind him. "What the- why are you in here!?" The girl giggled and stood up, shrugging her shoulders. "Can't a girl give her friend some dating advice? Especially when said friend happens to be dating her brother." Wirt blushed and glared at Mabel who smirked back up at him. "How did you-" "Find out? Please, you asked my brother out on a date. You think I wouldn't find out?" Wirt sighed, blushing even more, and nervously tugged at the hem of his shirt. As much as he wanted Mabel to leave his room, she could have valuable information that could help him out. 

"O-okay. What advice do you have?" "Only the best kind!" Mabel then grabbed Wirt by the collar so that they were face to face and, with a very creepy grin, quietly whispered, "here's my advice. Don't you dare hurt a hair on my brother's head. If you do, I'll rip you limb from limb and use your little twigs as kindling. Then I'll take your crippled remains and throw them down a piranha-infested well and watch them rip you apart. After that, I'll bring you back to life and repeat the cycle, each time more painful than the last, for all of eternity till you beg for the sweet release of death. Release that I will not give you. Got it?"

Wirt gulped, quickly nodding his head, and Mabel let him go, smiling as if she didn't just threaten his life. "Okay! Well, I hope you two have fun. Oh, and his favorite flowers are roses but dandelions (which are actually weeds) are a close second! Bye-bye!" With that, she left the room and Wirt let out a sigh of relief. Okay, so you have two things to remember: Don't make a fool of yourself, and don't mess up and end up on Mabel's kill list. 

With that in mind, Wirt did one last check in the mirror then left his room, only to bump into the person he was looking for. "Oh, Bipper. Hey um, s-sorry about that," he said as he helped the demon up. Bipper dusted off his clothes and looked up at Wirt with a small smile. "Hey, Branches." The demon paused and his smile turned to a small smirk when he noticed the fancy clothes Wirt was wearing. "Wow, you clean up pretty nice." "Um, th-thanks. You uh, you do too." Frisk, who happened to be passing by, overheard the two and rolled their eyes. "Can you two take your flirting somewhere else?" They both blushed and Wirt nervously laughed, deciding to ignore Frisk's comment and focus more on the boy next to him. 

"R-ready to go," he asked, holding out his hand. Bipper smiled and took it, lacing their fingers before responding, "course I am!"


Everything had been going even better than expected. They weren't even at the spot yet, and Wirt felt ready to call this date a success. They were strolling through the woods, hand in hand, laughing and smiling and enjoying themselves. Nothing was going wrong. 

Wirt lead Bipper over to the cliffside where he had set up their picnic and the younger demon's eyes widened in excitement. "Wow, this is . . . wow! When did you have the time to do this?" Wirt shrugged and took a seat on the blanket, patting the space next to him. "Did it this morning. I'm kind of surprised the protection spell Marco showed me actually worked."  Bipper chuckled and sat down next to Wirt, admiring the view that the cliffside provided. 

The two sat and talked about everything and anything, sometimes just staying quiet and enjoying the peaceful forest. "Huh, it's awfully quiet out here," Bipper said, noting how weirdly vacant the forest seemed. Usually, these woods were filled with everything from monsters to dead bodies (only half of them were the Bad End Friends' fault). Wirt hummed and nodded his head in agreement. While he did choose a more secluded area, the absence of some giant beast was. . . strange to say the least.  "Yeah, wonder where everything i-"

(Damnit, you two jinxed it)

Before Wirt could finish his sentence, a loud growl warned the two of something approaching. A large horned beast stomped into the clearing and- "Oh shit." (Hey! I was talking!)

Wirt instantly recognized the large creature as the thing that had tried to kill him and Luna a week ago and it seemed like the monster recognized him too. Wirt gulped and stood up, taking Bipper's hand and slowly backing away from the monster, whose eyes were trained on him. "Wirt, what the hell is that?" Bipper whispered, looking over at the beast in from of them. "Um, remember when I said I was dealing with a pest problem. This was it." 

The monster roared and lunged towards them and, on instinct, the two used their powers against it. Wirt used his branches to hold it down while Bipper blasted fire at it. The horned monster shrieked and broke free from the branches, all of its aggression now focused on the two boys. Bipper pulled out two daggers and Wirt took out the ax he had hiding in his cape, both of them pausing to glance at the other's weapon. They both shrugged it off and got ready to fight the beast that had interrupted their date. (Get ready for the cringiest, shitiest fight scene ever written)

Wirt was the first to attack, slicing at the creature's face with his ax. It moved back to dodge the attack then swiped at him with its claws only to be stopped by Bipper. The demon smirked then stabbed the monster's paw with one of his daggers. Setting the other one on fire, he threw the flaming dagger at the monster's eye, making it scream and fall back. Wirt took this chance to stab the creature, impaling its stomach with a large tree branch, which Bipper set on fire. The two stepped back and watched as it burned to death in front of their eyes.

"So . . ." Wirt started, his gaze slowly drifting down to the ground. "That um, wasn't supposed to happen. Sorry." "Are you kidding me! That was so much fun! Especially the part where it burned from the inside and melted into a mess of fur and flesh!" Bipper shouted excitedly while rocking on the balls of his feet. The adrenaline rush slowly calmed down, replacing the excitement from killing something with bubbly laughter. Wirt stared in awe and tipped his head to the side. "Y-you're not mad, or at least annoyed that we almost died, again?" "Course not! But next date, I'm choosing where we go." 

They both blushed and Bipper awkwardly coughed, realizing what he just said. "Um, that is if you want another one?" "Yes." Wirt blushed even more and sighed, actually taking the time to form a proper sentence. "Yeah, I would um, I do want another one." "Okay then. And this time there will only be a 23.435% chance of us dying." Wirt laughed and the two started walking back to the house.

That definitely went better than expected.

I. AM. SO. SORRY!!! This took so long and it's not even on time and I just want to crawl in a hole. But what I lack in skills and time management, I make up for in cute pinescone moments! I mean, what says romance better than impaling a monster and setting its carcass on fire! Now, enough of my nonsense, let's move on to the reason I'm writing this end bit. Next week is going to be a Q/A (question and answer)! You can ask me or the characters anything your dark little hearts desire. We'll be happy to answer your questions Well I will, the BEF are doing it because they're being forced to. But they'll enjoy it anyway! That's all from me and see you next week!

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