Origin part 8: The Bloody Dagger

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. . . . . Oh, you guys are here! Hehe, don't mind me just doing some. . . research. *currently looking at a bunch of random Undertale memes and shit* As you know, I don't know much about this characters origin and I've only recently begun playing the game (If someone wants to tell me how to kick Mettaton's godforsaken ass, I'm all ears). So yeah, all my knowledge is coming from good ol' Mr. Internet! With that out of the way, lets get started with our final origin story!

"You can not give up just yet. . ."

"Frisk! Stay determined. . ."

They were tired of hearing that same bullshit. Don't give up! Stay determined! It wasn't helping, no matter how hard they tried, it all ended the same. They tried to be good, make friends, solve puzzles, but in the end it wasn't enough. It was always game over for them, those stupid words hammering into their skull. 

"You can not give up just yet. . ."

"Frisk! Stay determined. . ."

The worst part was that they kept coming back. It would have been more tolerable if they just stayed down, if all of the pain ended there. But no. They came back each time, forced to relive their mistakes and their deaths over and over again. Forced to go through it all over again, only to die.

"You can not give up just yet. . ."

"Frisk! Stay determ-"

No. No more of that. They couldn't keep doing this. No more playing nice, they weren't going to go along with this game. Oh they were determined alright. Determined to end this, to end all those monsters who killed them. It's only fair they all suffer for what they did, after all, in this world, it's kill or be killed! 

~~Time passed: Unknown~~

Frisk grinned, making their way over to the elevator. This was it, everything they had been training for. All those deaths, they were all leading up to this moment. Frisk tightened their grip on the knife in their hand and waited for the elevator to reach their destination. It was time to end all of this.

The elevator ride ended and Frisk stepped out, walking over to a very familiar looking house. Memories washed over Frisk and their sadistic grin widened as they recalled the way that goat women died at their hands. Their grip tightened even further to the point where their knuckles went white and for a split second, their eyes could be seen, the pupils flashing a bloody red. 

Frisk continued through the house going down into the basement and walking on the path. They hummed a little, a small skip in their step that only the feeling of a new kill can create. The pathway was longer than they remember and their grin started to fall. Suddenly it ended and they were back at another elevator. Oh you've got to be kidding me, Frisk thought, sighing and continuing their long journey.

Finally they were at the last corridor and that goddamn skeleton was blocking their path. He stood there, the last thing between Frisk and freedom. "Let's just get to the point. It's a beautiful day outside," the skeleton started. "Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . . On days like these, kids like you. . ." Frisk waited patiently, knowing exactly what came next. San's eye started glowing yellow then blue and a bunch of attacks came for Frisk. They skillfully dodged them, the pattern engraved in their mind. "Should be rotting in hell."

Now the real fight began.

Frisk ran forward to strike him down but of course the skeleton quickly moved out of the way, sporting an infuriating smile the entire time. He attacked and Frisk jumped through the bones that were heading towards them. They tried to stab him again but missed, just like all the other times. No, this time was different. They knew the moves, they memorized the pattern, and now, they were going to kill this skeleton.

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