2 for 1 deal

402 7 2

Look I didn't have an idea for a chapter so you get 2 skits for the price of 1. Yay! (I don't own any of these)

Bipper: *opens the door and huffs* Sorry I'm late. I was. . . doing things.

Morty: *kicks the door open* He pushed me down the fucking stairs!

Bipper: Push is such a strong word. I prefer to call it 'giving you a little nudge'.

Morty: Oh I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my foot up your ass!

Bipper: Hey! *gestures to Finn* Watch your fucking language in front of the prince.

Finn: *facepalms* I'm surrounded by idiots.


Star: What does Y-E-S spell?

Marco: Yes.

Star: What does E-Y-E-S spell?

Marco: Yes.

Star: *starts laughing* What does E-Y-E-S spell?

Marco: Ee-yes?

Star: *laughs*

Marco: What is happening?

Star: What does Y-E-S spell?

Marco: Yes?

Star: Okay, what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Marco: . . . Eee-yes?

Star: *burst out laughing and starts crying*

Marco: Wh-what are you crying for?

Star: Pft- Okay try again. What does Y-E-S spell?

Marco: Yes?

Star: What does E-Y-E-S spell?

Marco: . . . . Eees? Ay-yes!?

Star: Pft- hahaha! I-I can't breathe!

Marco: E-Y-E-S?. . Ee-yes!

Frisk: *overhears and starts laughing*

Star: Say it again! What does E-Y-E-S spell?

Marco: . . . . Ee-yes?

Star and Frisk: *dying on the floor* 

Marco: You're making me cry, what?

Star: E-Y-E-S.

Marco: E? Y-E-S. . . . Eyes.

Star: *dies of laughter*

I think we've learned an important lesson from these skits. 1) Marco's a lovable idiot 2) Bipper should have pushed Morty down a longer flight of stairs 3) Don't curse in front of the fucking Ice Prince (seriously, have you no goddamn motherfucking cockadoodle decency Morty). I think you can tell that I love these. Oh, I almost forgot! Next week, we'll be playing truth or dare! So leave your questions or dares in the comments! (I want to see some juicy shit guys, you can torture them however you like) That's all so bye-bye bat fam!

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