Left Behind

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Morty and Marco were the definitions of the phrase 'opposites attract'.  Considering that Morty was unapologetically loud about his hatred for everyone, it was a surprise that he and Demon Marco hit it off. But they got along like fire to a house (the B.E.F house specifically because it's always on fire). They were as close as friends could get.

Or so Marco thought.

The doubt started creeping in earlier that day. 12:42 pm to be exact. Marco and Morty were just hanging out, Morty beating Marco's ass at Mario Kart 8, when it sounded like a plane just flew over their house. All of a sudden the door was kicked down by a man most likely in his 20s who was very clearly drunk. 

"HELLO, MY LOVELIES!" The loud door-kicking sound caught the attention of every person in the house, especially Morty's. "Tord!" The two high-fived like they were best friends, which was absurd because Morty and Marco were already best friends. Of course, no need to be stupid about this, Marco reasoned with himself. 

The others came downstairs and mentally groaned, realizing it was just Tord. "Red leader, what are you doing here?" Wirt asked. Tord only ever visited when he needed money for more alcohol, hentai, and other stupid shit. Instead of getting an answer, Wirt received a bone-crushing hug from the wasted leader. "It's been sooooooo *hic* long Wirtsy!" "I'm giving you till the count of 3 to let go of me or I'll rip out your soul and gouge out your eyes." Tord rolled his eye at Wirt's attitude and dropped him. "Oh lighten *hic* up Wirtsy." "Call me that again and see what fucking happens!"

Tord rolled his eye again and crossed his arms, smirking slightly. "Relax Wirt. I'm here for Morto." "Are you taking him away forever? Are you going to kill him in an alley? Can I watch!?" Bipper asked excitedly, hoping that Tord's arrival marked Morty's inevitable death. "None of the *hic* above short stack." Bipper was disappointed but no one noticed (or cared). 

Tord and Morty were about to leave when Marco pulled Morty aside. "What about our game? We were about to start a new round." "We can do it later." Marco was slightly upset so Morty rolled his uncovered eye and playfully punched the demon's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll be back to kicking your ass real soon." "Ha, you wish," Marco shot back with a small smile.

The two left and everyone went back to what they were doing. Or Marco tried to. He tried to ignore that his best friend just ditched him because it really was no big deal. Morty often left to do experiments in his lab or go run the Citadel. Him leaving today shouldn't and wasn't a big deal, especially not for Marco.

What if he never comes back!? "That's stupid, he'll probably be back in like an hour." A lot of shit can happen in an hour! What if he realizes how lame you are! Marco rolled his eyes at the doubtful voice in his head and pulled out his phone. Youtube was always a great distraction.

Only Marco never got to youtube. He was stuck staring at his home screen. It was a picture of Morty on the day Marco had managed to get the boy to genuinely smile for the first time. They had burned down an entire forest that day and Morty had actually enjoyed himself. So much so that he didn't notice Marco snap a picture of him while he was laughing. He eventually found out and was predictably pissed off, but Marco couldn't care less. Morty was surprisingly cute when he smiled. 

Not that Marco had thought that personally! It was just an observation he made that had nothing to do with anything!

Marco sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. Stupid Marco! Stop getting caught up with this! Then an idea hit him and he stood up, grinning. How could he not have thought of this before! He would simply sneak onboard the airship, easy as setting fire to a forest!


Morty took a puff on the cigarette Tord had offered him earlier and smiled (You're a terrible example, Morty!). "The airship looks different," the 14-year old commented. Tord nodded and blew a puff of smoke. "Paul and Patryck crashed it the other day, so we had to get it fixed." Morty was about to say something when the previously mentioned soldiers ran up to them with a familiar-looking demon in hand.

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