Personality Sheet

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Look, I didn't have much of an idea for this chapter so enjoy learning more about the characters in this book.

Beast Wirt: 

Personality: Can seem cold or uncaring, smart, sarcastic, easily annoyed, actually cares very deeply for his friends, basically the mom friend, very heavy on organization.

Likes: Poetry, walking through the woods, being alone, clarinet, reading, silence, interior design

Dislikes: Loud noises, frogs (they bring up bad memories), having to take care of his idiot friends (you're the mom friend, it's kinda your job), messy houses, his antlers (they can be super annoying), Jason Funderburker


Personality: Loud, chaotic, energetic, smart, very persuasive, cunning, evil when he wants to be, slightly childish.

Likes: Anything sharp, reading, pain, fire, his friends (well except one), torture, coffee, playing piano, suits, everything weird, cats

Dislikes: Casual clothing, having to sit still, dogs, being treated like a kid, memories of his past, door to door salesmen, Morty (the two can't stand each other)

Ice Finn:

Personality: Emotional, sensitive, childish, protective of his friends, sweet, a literal cinnamon roll, a little naive, cheerful, not as innocent as he seems.

Likes: Hugs, winter, blankets, finncakes, video games, his friends, using his magic to scam people (he's now banned from the boardwalk), watching movies, hot chocolate, meatloaf

Dislikes: Being treated like a kid, being called adorable, dogs (they bring up bad memories), water, being yelled at, being alone, being called a cinnamon roll (last time someone did that, he ran away from home for a total of 20 minutes then came back crying about how the real world doesn't have pop tarts), people who put the empty milk carton back into the fridge, horror movies

Demon Marco:

Personality: Chill, laid back, funny, a little self-conscious about his wings, the friend you would go to for advice, total video game nerd, smart.

Likes: Hanging out with Morty, karate, video games, pranking people, scamming people with Finn, dogs, Love Sentence,  horror movies, karaoke 

Dislikes: Tom Lucitor (he's the one who cursed him), waiting in line, his wings (they can be a hassle), having to pay for his friends because they 'forgot their wallet at home', Quest Buy, having one less topping than usual on his pizza

Evil Morty:

Personality: Smart, cunning, manipulative, serious at times, acts like he doesn't care about his friends, can sometimes be an asshole, does genuinely enjoy his friends' company, arrogant

Likes: Hanging with Marco, inventing stuff, being alone, teasing Finn, being right, power

Dislikes: Loud noises, people who talk to much, being wrong, Bipper, having to fix stuff for everyone else, darkness

Birthday Mabel:

Personality: Energetic, optimistic, cheerful, a little emotional, outgoing, flirtatious, can be self-centered at times.

Likes: All animals, stickers, glitter, boys, parties, cake, candy, fire, sweaters

Dislikes: Being alone, her birthday (it brings up bad memories), her old friends, old scrapbooks (also brings up bad memories)

Mewberty Star:

Personality: Boy-crazy, energetic, gets bored easily, a little chaotic, flirtatious, 

Likes: Boys, pigtails, dresses, colorful clothing, puppies, Love Sentence, magic, hanging out with Mabel, romance movies

Dislikes: Fancy clothing, St. Olga's home for wayward princesses, Tom Lucitor, when people mess up her coffee order, being bored, hot climates

Genocide Frisk:

Personality: Chaotic, murderous, violent, seems innocent but can kill you in a second, protective of their friends 

Likes: Violence, video games, watching cop shows, horror movies, killing monsters, music, cats

Dislikes: Skeletons (bad memories), monsters, not completing a video game 100%, mountains, rain, being told what to do, being called innocent, being treated like a child, not getting enough space on the couch

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