Not so innocent

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Finn had gotten used to quite a lot of things after becoming a Bad End Friend.

He accepted that regular laundry detergent would not be enough to wash out bloodstains. He was fine with having to sit on the floor during movie night. It no longer bothered him that he had to order the pizza even though he hates talking to people. Heck, he had even gotten used to Morty's stupid teasing. Though, and even after living with them for months, there was one thing Finn could not stand.


The others barely even reacted to Finn's yelling, aside from a few snickers from Morty and Bipper. They had this conversation a lot and knew exactly where this was going. Finn would get mad, leave for a few minutes, then come right back. Today was probably not going to be any different.

"Are you even listening!" Finn shouted, ice beginning to form at his feet. Wirt sighed and snapped his fingers, summoning a small branch. The vine gave Finn a small, and somewhat condescending, pat on the head, and the ice prince swatted it away. "Listen, Finn, no one thinks your a 'cinnamon roll'." "Fucking bullshit!" The young prince shot back. The temperature was drastically dropping, finally capturing everyone's attention. 

"Jeez Finn it's not our fault you're a spineless little bab-" Morty was quickly interrupted by a branch whacking him in the face. Wirt shot him a glare before turning back to Finn. "Don't listen to Morty." "Yeah, besides there's nothing wrong with being innocent," Mabel added, ignoring the annoyed scowl Wirt gave her. Sometimes his friends didn't know the right time to shut up.

Finn huffed, his face getting bluer with how angry he was, and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. "Ugh, you idiots just couldn't stay quiet, could you!" Morty and Mabel's eyes went wide and they glared right back at Wirt. "Hey it's not my fault, I was only telling the truth. He's the definition of innocence," Morty said. Bipper rolled his demonic eyes and looked up at Wirt, running a hand through his hair. "He'll be fine Beasty, just give him a few minutes to cool down." "Yeah, I hope you're right." "I'm always right."


Finn stomped through town, muttering to himself while ice formed underneath his feet. He did not need people who treated him like a romp-stuffin baby! (yes I invented a new curse, applaud me if you must) "Hey, Finn."

The ice prince flew into the air and yelled only to find Frisk smirking up at him. "Wh-what are you doing here?" Finn questioned as he floated back down to the ground. Frisk shrugged and responded with, "I was bored." "Oh. . . w-well I don't need your help." Frisk just shrugged again and a devilish smile appeared on their face. 

"You know there's a way for you to prove you're not some innocent cinnamon roll." Finn perked up and turned to face his friend with a hopeful smile. "Not that I need your help or anything but um, what would that be?" Frisk grinned and grabbed Finn's hand, running off into the forest.

Finn's face went pale, which is saying something, and he dug his heels into the ground stopping both him and Frisk from entering the forest. "A-are you sure about this? Wirt s-said-" "Finn, you want to prove you can be just as badass as the rest of us?" Finn puffed out his chest and gave frisk a stern nod, trying to appear braver than he felt. "Then come on. There's nothing better than beating up a monster to prove how strong you are." "Wait we're wha-" Before Finn could finish, Frisk had already taken his hand and ran into the woods. 

~~2 hour time skip~~

"Damn, there are like no monsters anywhere!" Frisk frowned and looked around the clearing of trees. Finn sighed both from disappointment and slight relief and sat down on a rock. They had been searching for what felt like forever and still nothing. 

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