Shopping Shenanigans

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Ahh, Sunday. A day for peace and relaxation. The gang was sitting on the couch, enjoying their afternoon when-"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!". They all ran over to the screaming to find Birthday Mabel in the kitchen. Clearly confused, Beast Wirt asks, "what's wrong Mabel?" The girl starts sobbing while holding up an empty milk carton. "WE'RE OUT OF MILK! NOW I CAN'T FINISH MY CAKE! The worse part is some DUMBASS put the empty carton back in the damn fridge!" They all skeptically looked over at Bipper who rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Why are you looking at me!? I didn't do anything!" Wanting to get back to the peace and quiet Beast Wirt came up with the brilliant idea to go to the store.

"Okay, now who wants to go?" Mabel, Finn, and Frisk raised their hands excitedly while screaming "ME! ME! ME!" "Okay, so that's Mabel, Finn, Frisk, and Morty." Morty groaned and started complaining (like a freaking baby!). "Why the hell do I have to go?" Wirt rubbed his temples, getting very annoyed, and turned to Morty. "Because I don't trust them doing anything by themselves without setting something on fire." Morty reluctantly agreed and the four of them were off to the store.

                                                                                          ~~Time Skip~~

They made it to the store (in one piece surprisingly) and Finn, Frisk, and Mabel ran off, leaving Morty to find the milk. Morty went over to the dairy aisle and found the milk they needed. He smiled and looked around the store. "Now I just need to find-" "AAAAHHHH!" Morty sighed and walked over to the sound of the screaming. When he got there, the first thing he saw was a little boy crying, and right next to the boy was Frisk. In their hand was a stuffed monster toy that they repeatedly stabbed with their knife. "Why. Aren't. You. Dying!?" Frisk kept stabbing the toy, so Morty had to pry it from their hands. He eventually got it away from Frisk and gave it back to the little boy with a quick sorry. "All right. Now to find the others."

With Frisk in hand, Morty looked around the store trying to find Mabel and Finn. The intercom turned on and on the other line was none other than Mabel. "HEY EVERYONE! PARTY ON AISLE 6!" Morty rolled his eyes and made his way over to aisle 6 where Mabel was in fact throwing a large party. The shelves were covered in streamers, there were balloons everywhere, and a store employee was tied up to a chair screaming for help. Mabel was sitting on top of a shelf singing and giggling to herself. "Mabel get down from there! We're leaving!" The girl pouted and pink flames started to ignite. "We can't leave, the party just started." The flames were starting to get dangerously close to the store employee who was frantically blowing at them. Morty groaned and promised Mabel that she could throw a party when they got home, which she immediately agreed to. The three of them left aisle 6 and started looking for Finn who was, no surprise, in the frozen food aisle.

Every single freezer door was open, turning the aisle into an ice skating rink. In the center of the cold chaos was Finn, twirling around with another store employee who was currently a block of ice. Finn noticed the others and grinned, skating over to them. "Hey guys, do you like what I did with the place?" Before they all died of hypothermia, Morty grabbed Finn's hand and dragged all three of them to checkout.

"Morty, can we get this candy?" "Morty I saw a monster. I must kill it." "Morty, I'm borrrreeedddd!" The three kept bombarding Morty with more stupid questions and complaints that by the time they were at the front of the line, he was ready to commit arson. The teen at the cash register looked over at him and then the tree idiots accompanying him and laughed. "Siblings?" she asked. "More like annoying little monsters." The girl laughed again and scanned the milk. "Tell me about it. Sometimes you want to tape their mouths shut so that they finally shut up." Morty chuckled and started looking through his wallet. "Yeah, and other times you want to stab them over and over again with a blunt butter knife, grind up their bones into dust, and feed their remains to a pack of dogs." The cashier looked at him in shock and horror and Morty handed her the cash and grabbed the milk with a smirk. "Keep the change and have a good day." The four of them left leaving everyone in the store in a state of terror.

That was one of their better shopping days.

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