Origin part 2: The Cursed Crown

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Everything was burning.

They did this. The destiny gang did this. His parents, his sibling, his family was going to die. If he had just sold Bartram like they asked this wouldn't have happened. But now their house was on fire and he couldn't do anything. 

There were so many sounds. His parents were screaming, his sibling was crying. Jake was barking as if his howls would put out the fire. But above all, the crown in his hands was calling to him. It was louder than all of those sounds. That would work. He could use its powers to put out the fire. He could save everyone.

"You said this crown is magic?" "Yes. Powerful and dangerous," the old woman next to him said. Finn studied the crown in his hands. He could use it and put out the fire. Everything would be fine again. "But you lost your mind in a cave," Finn countered, doubting if the woman was telling the truth. His family's life was on the line, he couldn't risk them by trusting an old crown. "Whatever. You just gotta believe me, okay? I'm serious ya donk."

The fire was raging, getting bigger and bigger. If she was right, this would save everyone. He couldn't just sit and do nothing. "I believe you." Before anyone could stop him, Finn put on the crown.

That's when the whispers started talking to him. They promised him power. They were nice, they called him their prince. They made him the prince of ice and snow. They told them to freeze the people who hurt his family. So that's what he did. 

Finn blasted snow at his house, putting out the fire, then turned and fired ice at the Destiny Gang. The thrill, the cold, it was all so intoxicating. "Ice lightning!" the teen shouted, striking the ground with lightning made of ice. The ground shook and off in the distance, green smoke rose into the sky. The smoke rushed towards them and Finn quickly created a shield of ice to protect himself and his mule.

When the smoke calmed, Finn flew towards his house, freeing his family. His mom looked around at the chaos then at her son. "What. What on Earth did this?" "I did this," Finn answered with a crooked grin. His mother looked at him in disbelief and shook her head. "No, that's not possible. I raised you better than that!"

Finn started laughing, though he wasn't sure why. There was smoke everywhere, his family was scared. Why was this so funny then? 

You did good, little prince. Yes yes, you put out the fire. You saved everyone with your powers. That's right. He saved his family, he was good. This was good. 

The cries of his little sibling shook him out of his trance. Finn's laughing ceased and he frowned, holding his head. "Ugh. I'm sorry mom, dad, little sibling. I'm too dangerous to be around." He picked up his family, placed them on Bartram, and sent them away. Good, little prince. They needed to go. They would have gotten in the way of your power. Now go check on your subjects, little prince.

Finn nodded, listening to the whispers. He flew over to the destiny gang and freed two of them. They would make good subjects, he would protect them. Just like he protected everyone else. Unfortunately, they ran off, fleeing from the prince and his new 'kingdom'. The sound of barking caught his attention, and Finn flew over to the source of the noise.

"Jake!?" Finn yelled, staring at his dog. His lower half was submerged in green liquid. Finn pulled him out, happy to have found his best friend. "Don't worry Jake, I'll share the secrets of ice and snow with thee." Finn laughed, holding his dog close. 

Jake started getting violent though. He crawled towards Finn, snarling and baring his teeth. Finn stumbled backward, trying to stay away from Jake. Careful, little prince. He's after your crown. He'll take it. You can't let him. "Argh! Back off my crown, Jake! I'm warning you!" 

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