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Yay headcanons!

-The main group does know about the existence of other Bad End Friends like Red Leader Tord and Corrupted Steven and they occasionally interact with them.

-The order in which they joined was Bipper, Ice Finn, Beast Wirt, Demon Marco, Pity Party Mabel, Evil Morty, Mewberty Star, Genocide Frisk (Morty is still salty about being the 6th member).

-They live in the woods on the outskirts of some random town not associated with any of their shows (or game).

-On the outside, their house looks like an old abandoned haunted mansion but on the inside, it's huge and actually really nice (when they're not setting it on fire). The reason it is like this is because Bipper used an illusion to keep people away (mainly door to door salesmen).

-The Bad End Friends have been together for 8 months now and they celebrated their 8-month anniversary by crying about their old lives then eating ice cream.

-The deeper you go into Beast Wirt's room, the darker it gets. This is where he plants the edelwood. 

-Since Beast Wirt is one of the saner of the group, the townspeople trust him more. That is a huge mistake because once a month, he convinces people to go into the woods then he hunts them down and uses their bodies to grow the edelwood in his room. The other Bad End Friends don't know about this so whenever he comes home covered in blood they just joke that he's on his period. 

-Mabel might seem cheery and bubbly but every night she cries herself to sleep while singing the happy birthday song and tearing out pages of her old scrapbooks. The only person who knows about this is Bipper and he often comforts her because even though he's been fused to a demon, he's still her brother.

-Each of their rooms is built specifically for them. Bipper's room looks like it's built for a king, Finn's room is a snowy tundra, you already know about Wirt's room, Mabel's room is the attic of the Mystery Shack but covered in birthday decorations, Star and Marco's rooms are their rooms from their house on Earth, Morty's room is a lab, and Frisk's room is a small bedroom with shelves to show off their kills and loot.

-Bipper and Wirt are idiots. No explanation needed.

-Okay I'll explain. Those two are so stupidly oblivious to the other's feelings that it's starting to seriously annoy the rest of the gang. On multiple occasions, Mabel has attempted to push them into a kiss but it either fails or the others stop her.

-Bipper, Wirt, Finn, Frisk, and Marco can all hear voices. Bipper hears Bill's voice telling him to kill his friends and bring chaos to the world. Wirt hears the Beast voice repeating the words 'feed the lantern, save your brother'. Finn and Frisk's voices pretend to comfort them, promising to always be by their side and help them, as long as they listen. Marco can hear Tom Lucitor's voice telling him to burn everything (it usually comes out all demonic and distorted). They all suffer from huge migraines because of it.

-Ever wondered why Morty and Bipper started fighting? Bipper beat Morty in Super Smash Ultimate and to this day they've hated each other.

-Each of them has a secret talent/hobby (I actually said slash before putting the /, I need a nap). Bipper and Mabel are really good at dancing. Finn can knit (where do you think he gets all his blankets from). Morty is great at cooking. Frisk can sing really well. Star is a master at fencing        Wirt can play any instrument you give him (it took the boy 5 seconds to play the bassoon). Marco is great at drawing

-Bipper loves hanging out with Mabel and Star. Shopping, watching stupid romcoms, braiding hair, they all have a lot of fun. It kind of scares Mabel though because her brother doesn't act like himself after the possession incident.

-They all are a fan of Broadway plays: Morty likes Hamilton, Star and Marco are fans of Be More Chill, Bipper loves Beetlejuice, Mabel and Frisk like Mean Girls, Wirt loves Hades Town, and Finn loves Dear Evan Hanson. 

-April Fools day ends in bloodshed.

-Whenever Wirt gets super flustered, cherry blossom petals grow from his antlers. I think we all know what or more specifically who would fluster him this bad.

-Bipper occasionally gets summoned at the most inconvenient of times by people who are trying to summon Bill Cipher. They get a surprise when a teen in footy pajamas shows up in the summoning circle.

-Whenever Finn has a bad dream, he sleeps in Wirt's room. This happens pretty often much to Wirt's annoyance.

-Bipper has nicknames for everyone except Mabel because it reminds her of Bill Cipher and she gets super scared.

-Remember how I said Wirt leads people into the forest to hunt. Well, one time these two people were camping and Wirt hunted them and found the keys to a car in the man's pocket. He ended up taking the car which was parked near the woods and that is how they sto- borrowed a car.

-This is more of a deleted scene kinda thing. The original plan for the chapter 'Catsitting' was that all of them, even Wirt, would go to the mall. Wirt would end up spending the day trying to impress Bipper but would sadly fail. I didn't really know how to write this so I ended up scraping it. 

And that was all of my headcanons for this book. I hope you enjoyed learning about these characters and if you have any hc you would like to share, please tell me! Have a good day and I will see you tomorrow (I actually managed to spell tomorrow correctly on the first time!). 

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