Secrets and Surprises

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The day started out pretty normal. Marco 'accidentally hit some rich bitchy jerk with the car so now Wirt and Bipper were hiding the body. You know, normal Saturday shenanigans. By the time they were finished the sun had set and it was getting dark. Wirt stopped his digging and looked over at Bipper and smiled, coming up with a plan. 

"We should stay out here." Bipper looked up at him and tipped his head in confusion. "Hm?"  "Well it's a nice night out so I thought maybe we could hang out here for a while. . . like a dat-" "No!" Bipper quickly recovered and a nervous smile spread across his face while he avoided Wirt's gaze. "What I mean is the um. . . smell of the uh the dead people will lure monsters? Yeah, monsters! So we should probably go back home. Besides the others are probably worried about us."

Wirt threw the shovel over into a bush all while being confused as hell. "Worried? Since when has anyone been worried about us?" "Well if we go now they won't be. I'll race you!" Before Wirt could say anything Bipper had flew off leaving a trail of blue fire behind him.

The fuck was that?


The next day had Wirt trying not to get his head chopped. After Frisk had helped him out with the rodent problem in the basement, he promised them a favor. Turns out that favor came in the form of a very violent sparing session. So now he was using his ax to dodge Frisk many attempts to stab him. 

A flash of black passed through the trees, capturing the lantern bearer's attention. Unfortunately, Frisk took this as the time to nearly slice one of Wirt's fingers off. "What the- hey time out!" "There are no time-outs in war!" Wirt rolled his eyes and raised his hand, summoning branches to keep Frisk tied down. "Hey, that's cheating!" "There's no cheating in war," Wirt shot back before leaving to check the forest.

Wirt walked through the woods, trying to find that flash of black. I was probably seeing things, Wirt reasoned with himself. He turned to go back when the lantern bearer heard something. Actually, as he got closer it was more like someone was talking.

Wirt hid behind a tree and nearly yelled and face-palmed when he saw who was in the woods. Of course, Bipper was in the middle of the freaking forest talking to a freaking demon! Honestly once I make sure that Bipper's okay, I'm going to murder him! 

Wirt moved to go get the half-demon when a fire formed in Bipper's hands. Once it died down, a very nice-looking box was left behind. Bipper smiled then looked up at the other demon in front of him. "Thanks, regnirbmood, this is perfect." The other demon, which looked like red fire in a human form with two white circles as eyes, just hummed and poked the box in Bipper's hands. "Just be careful short stack. If that got in the wrong hands, you'd all be screwed." Bipper nodded and put the box in the inner pocket of his tailcoat, then flew out of the clearing.

Wirt blinked, trying to process all that when the fire demon started talking. "You know I know you're there, right kid?" Wirt moved from behind the tree to face the demon. "I'm not a kid." "Hehe, sure. And you're cute little boyfriend didn't just sell his soul for whatever is in that box." "He did WHAT!?" Wirt yelled, trying to ignore the fact that this weirdo demon just hit on Bipper in front of him.

The demon chuckled and stepped out of the summoning, stalking closer to Wirt. A creepy fanged grin spread across regnirbmood's face but Wirt didn't back down. He was used to this after dealing with the Beast for an eternity. "What did he do?" "Oh I would love to tell you, but the cutie told me to not tell anyone, specifically you. Huh, is it normal for partners to keep secrets?" Wirt scowled, showing off the fangs in his mouth, and pointed a finger at the smug-looking demon in front of him.

"First off, stop hitting on him, ya fucking bastard (I'm with Wirt, what a freaking creep) Second I'm sure if it was really important, he would have told me." The demon laughed again, rolling his eyes at Wirt. "Yeah okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid. Listen, I've got to get back to the 5th circle, don't let this eat you up, kid." And with that, regnirbmood disappeared.

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