Family Visit

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Hello, lovelies! I'm back and ready to tickle your funny bones and pull on your heartstrings (honestly you never know which one with this book)! Before we start though I just want to say thank you so much for 2.1K reads. That is just so amazing, so thanks a lot! Now back to your regularly scheduled program!

"Star this is the 5th flabdrasen time!"

She tried to be patient. She really did. The first time the phone rang and her butterfly friend told her to leave it, she did. It was probably just a stupid spam call. The second time made Mabel raise a brow and reach for the phone, but one annoyed glare made her go right back to her magazine. 2 calls in a row from the same number, no biggie.

The 5th time it rang became a problem. The girls were just chilling in Star's room when the sound of Star's signature ringtone went off and Mabel couldn't take it anymore. "It's the same ding-donging number! For the 5th time!" Star dismissed her friend's outburst and paid no mind to the phone, only aggravating Mabel even more. "You can't keep ignoring it. . . unless. . ." 

Mabel jumped up from her bean bag and basically flew over to Star, startling the butterfly. "Is it a creepy ex? Do I have to tell them to fuck off? Should I set them on fire?" "What no! It's not an ex it's. . ." Mabel blinked in confusion and waited for her friend to answer. "Well?" "It's um-" "Star!!!" The Mewman huffed, finally defeated, and slouched in her bean bag while crossing her arms. "It's just my mom."

Mabel's eyes went wide in surprise. Out of all the possible people, that was the last thing she expected. "YOUR MOM!?" "It's not that important." Mabel narrowed her eyes and, against Star's wishes, picked up the phone. Mabel gasped and nearly dropped the phone when she realized this probably wasn't the 5th time. "You've ignored your mom 666 times? Star, what if this is important?" 

Star rolled her eyes and used her webs to blast the mirror phone out of her friend's hand. "It's really not." Mabel frowned, trying to come up with a way to cheer her friend up. Clearly, there's something going on between the two of them. An idea hit and the birthday girl smiled and grabbed Star's hand.

"Let's go talk to your mom!" "Absolutely not! What do you want me to say, hey mom guess what I got stuck in mewberty form and now live with a bunch of deranged lunatics in a forest!" Mabel hummed, giving it some thought, then flashed her friend an optimistic smile. "That works, but we should probably revise that a little. We can do it on the way to Mewni-" 

The door slammed open and Morty and Marco burst in, both of them yelling, "You're going to Mewni!?" "Holy shit! How long have you been listening?" Star yelled. Mabel, who was less startled by the intrusion, just asked, "what the hell happened to you, Morty?" "Oh, he got his ass kicked by a time-" Morty quickly kicked Marco in the shin, cutting off whatever he was trying to say. "Nothing. Now about going to Mewni."

Star rolled her eyes and waved her hand, signaling for everyone's attention. "No one is going to Mewni, I don't even know where my dimensional scissors ar-" "Did someone say dimensional scissors?" Bipper asked, poking his head through the door. Star groaned and face-palmed. Today was supposed to be a relaxing break, a vacation of sorts. Now a bunch of people were crowding around her asking to go to stupid fucking Mewni!

In a fit of annoyance, she snatched the scissors from Bipper's hand, opened a portal, and dragged Mabel through, closing it behind her. "Yay! Road tri- oh we're here." Mabel looked around the dimension that they were in and smiled. The place reminded her of a medieval kingdom. . . with magic!

"Alright stay close, we're just going to drop in, reassure her that I'm not dead, and that's it." "Sounds like a plan!" Mabel skipped next to her friend, oohing and ahhing at everything. Star was. . . less excited. Sure this place was her home (keyword being was) but she had been gone for such a long time. Plus she had a new home, one that her parents were definitely not going to approve of. She was happy when she left Mewni behind and joined her insane friends and the butterfly was not exactly ready to come back. 

Not to mention her mother was going to kill her for all the missed calls.

The two walked up to the palace and Star took a deep breath, bracing herself for whatever was about to happen. "STAR!?" Rather quickly, Star was swept into a hug by, you guessed it, Queen Moon. The teen awkwardly smiled and patted her mother on the back with a small, "Hi, Mom." The queen let go of her daughter and fixed the most dangerous and intense glare Star had ever seen. And she lived with demons for crying out loud!

"Where have you been!? You never answered, I was worried sick! And why are you still going through mewberty! Oh, you have so much explaining to do young lady!" Star's nervous smile fell into a frown but she did nothing but nod and utter a small 'yes mom' under her breath. Mabel looked between the two and decided that she would lighten the mood a little. "Hiya, I'm Mabel Star's best friend!" Moon only looked down at her with a look of confusion (and a little bit of disgust) and said, "charmed."

The three of them entered the palace and sat down at the dining room table. Servants came in an instant and brought them their food. It absolutely amazed Mabel. How could her friend be so upset when she lived in such an awesome place like this!? Speaking of which, Star had spent most of the meal picking at her corn in the saddest way possible. Looks like it's up to me to fix. . . whatever this is

"So, Queen Moon, you must have some great stories abou-" "Star, why are you still like. . . that?" Moon asked, cutting off Mabel. The birthday girl's smile fell but she just put on another one and sat back in her chair. "Well, I don't know. It just never stopped." The queen narrowed her eyes at the girl but just sighed and continued eating her food in silence. 


"Now do you see why I didn't want to come here?" Star asked storming around her room in the castle. Dinner had, unfortunately, gone very wrong after Mabel accidentally told Moon about their current living arrangements. "Well I didn't know that there was a problem living with a bunch of teenagers with magic in the wood- ooohhh, I hear it now."

Star sighed and plopped down on her bed, taking her frustrations out on her pillow. This was why she didn't want to come here. She already knew it was going to end with her getting into a fight and ultimately getting sent to her room like a freakin 9-year-old! "Ugh! I don't get her! Why does she care all of a sudden!? She was soooo ready to ship me off to St. Olga's before, she had no problem leaving me on Earth. But no, now when I find a new place to stay, it becomes a huge problem."

Mabel frowned and pat her friend on the back. "Star I'm sorry for making you come here." The princess stayed quiet then sighed and moved so her face wasn't covered by a pillow. "It's fine, it's not like you sent me to my room for no reason." Mabel sighed then smiled and took out the dimensional scissors. "C'mon let's get out of here." "Okay. . . just give me a sec though."

Star jumped up from her bed and left her room, searching the palace for the queen. She quickly found her and nervously coughed,  grabbing Moon's attention. "Star?" The princess took a deep breath and looked her mother right in the eye. "Mom, look I'm sorry that I worried you, I should have answered when you called. But right now, I like my new life. . . my new friends. They understand me. . . and don't threaten to send me away when I mess up." The queen looked down, guilt starting to replace her previous anger, but she allowed her daughter to continue. "I'm going to stay with them, they're my family. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you and Dad. I still love both of you.

Queen Moon smiled and placed her hands on Star's shoulders. "I love you too. . . just promise me you'll be careful." Star nodded and gave her mother a hug, a genuine hug this time, and Moon embraced her back. Another pair of arms surprised them and the two royals turned to find Mabel joining in on the hug. Star laughed and Moon hesitantly smiled. "Mabel was it, um I'm happy that Star has found someone to be friends with. Thank you for being with my daughter." "Of course!"

The two teens let go and Star took out her scissors, cutting a tear into the fabric of space. Mabel hopped in but Star hesitated and turned to her mom. "I'll um, I'll try to visit. . . once in a while." "That would be nice," Queen Moon responded with a small smile. "Oh and don't forget to stay away from boys!" "You got it, Mom!" Star yelled back, though she had no real intention to keep that particular promise.

And with that the butterfly left, feeling better than when she had first arrived.

That's it! I don't really know what else to say so once again thanks for so many reads. It's great that you guys are enjoying this! Speaking of which, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you tomorrow. Bye-bye bat fam!

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