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"This was such a bad idea!"


This all started when Mabel, Bipper, and Star said they were going to the mall. They were about to leave when Finn and Frisk decided to tag along because there was an arcade inside the mall. 5 participants turned to 7 when Marco and Morty decided to come. Beast Wirt chose to stay home, happy to have the house to himself. Of course, that's when the devil with ears and a tail poked their head around the corner and purred, capturing everyone's attention. 

"Oh crap, I almost forgot!" Bipper quickly picked up Luna and looked over at Wirt with a smile. "Do you think you can watch her while we're all going out?" The demon asked. Wirt glared at the cat in Bipper's arms and it smirked back at him, sticking its tongue out at the lantern bearer. "No," Wirt simply answered. 

Now, it's been a few weeks since Frisk brought the dragon-cat home and in that amount of time, everyone fell in love with the cat. Everyone except Wirt. Some of them think it's because Wirt doesn't like animals, others believe he's jealous of Bipper's attachment to the cat. The truth is actually a little bit of both. Anyway, it came as no surprise that Wirt wouldn't want to watch the cat, though that didn't stop Bipper from trying to convince him.

"But it will only be for a few hours. Besides Luna is incredibly well-behaved, isn't that right, girl?" The devil cat purred earning an 'aww' from everyone except Wirt, who was clearly unimpressed by the cat's cuteness. An equally adorable smile appeared on Bipper's face as did his signature 'dough eyes' and said, "please Beasty." Wirt, never being able to resist when Bipper smiles like the adorable idiot he is, gave up on trying to argue and agreed to watch Luna (Bipper uses 'dough eyes' and nickname combo. It was super effective!). Bipper thanked Wirt with a hug and any hate Wirt had towards the cat was quickly replaced with a lovesick grin that didn't go unnoticed by their friends. After being given a detailed list on how to care for Luna, the rest of the gang left, leaving Wirt and Luna by themselves.

And that's how he ended up in the woods looking for the damn cat


"I turn around for one minute, and it flies off!" Wirt grumbled as he searched the forest behind their house for Luna. He went deeper into the woods, listening for a purr or a meow but found that it was unnervingly silent. "'Watch the cat', they said. 'It's well-behaved' they said. Please, well-behaved my ass." A drop of water fell on Wirt and he looked up to find Luna flying above him, a bucket of water in her teeth (don't ask where she got it from, it's cartoon logic). He rolled his eyes and jumped to catch the feline, only for her to pour more water on him till he was soaked head to toe. "Oh, you're dead now."

Wirt chased after the cat and used his branches to try and grab her, with no success. To make matters worst, Luna would taunt Wirt whenever she got the chance. After 20 minutes of running and chasing, Wirt stopped under a tree and took a breather. "Why *wheeze* does Bipper like you *huff*  so much!" Wirt waited for the annoyingly familiar sound of the cat's meowing but it never came. He stopped and looked around then sighed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, so you're giving me the silent treatment now. How original," Wirt said dryly, but inside he was beginning to grow concerned. Why wasn't she responding? How come he couldn't see her? Where did she run off to? 

"Calm your shit, Wirt. It's just a dumb cat, it's probably fine." Even after convincing himself that Luna was in fact okay, he still went to look for her. Not because he liked the cat of course, but because he would be dead 10 times over if he came home without her. Not to mention Bipper would absolutely hate him for the rest of his life. And that was more than enough motivation to get Wirt to look for Luna.

But after about an hour of searching and still no luck, Wirt's concern was starting to grow. It only doubled when the sound of distressed meowing came from a small clearing. Wirt ran over to the noise and found Luna huddled in a corner and a much larger horned beast towering above her, most likely seeing the cat as a mid-afternoon snack. The cat noticed Wirt and whimpered shifting the beast's attention to Wirt. The lantern bearer groaned and face-palmed then used his powers to hold the monster down. While the beast was struggling to free himself from the vines, Wirt grabbed the cat and ran off. 

Luna, not expecting to be picked up especially not by someone she hates, began violently clawing and biting Wirt's arm. "Would you quit it, you stupid pest! I'm saving your life!" Luna either didn't understand or didn't care (probably the latter) and continued to bite and claw. That is until there was a loud roar and they came face to face with another horned beast. Wirt gulped and slowly backed away only to bump into the same one he had trapped before. Luna looked at each beast and whimpered, hiding away in Wirt's arm. Of course, when her life is in danger, she'll shut up. The one he had trapped growled and lunged towards Wirt, but Wirt quickly backed away and only got scratched. It still hurt like the dickens. The other monster followed suit and both began attacking Wirt. He made a branch dome around him and Luna, but it wouldn't hold for long.

Large paws repeatedly whacked at the shield and it was only a matter of time before it would break. Wirt sighed and looked down at the cat with a scowl. "I wonder if I could use you as bait," he thought out loud but instead received an annoyed glare as Luna stuck her tongue out at him. The action made Wirt laugh and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you're right. Bipper wouldn't like that one bit." At the sound of the demon's name, Luna perked up and her wings fluttered happily. "Hmm, you really like him, don't you?" Wirt asked while tipping his head to the side. The cat gave him a small nod and he smiled and sat down next to her. 

"Same here. He's honestly the only reason I'm risking my life for you. So, you're lucky to have him." Some would kill for his affection, Wirt thought but refused to say that out loud. Another paw whacked the branch dome and Luna hid under Wirt's cape, similar to how Finn would when he was scared. The shield was starting to break but luckily Wirt had come up with a plan. "You're going to hate me for this but it's all I got," Wirt said to the cat as he put his plan into action. He lowered the branch shield and threw Luna at one of the beasts. She freaked out and began viciously clawing at its face, giving him the perfect distraction.

He raised his hand and a large branch burst out of the ground and impaled the monster. It fell to the ground, clearly dead, and the other one quickly ran off, not wanting to be next. Luna flew down to the lantern bearer's feet and hissed, very pissed off by her part in the plan. "Look we're alive and well so don't give me that look." The cat rolled its eyes then flew up into Wirt's arms, falling asleep. Wirt hesitated then petted the cat and started walking home.


"WE'RE HOME!" Bipper happily announced as he entered the house. While the rest of them went upstairs to drop off all their stuff, the yellow-eyed demon raced over to where Wirt and Luna were resting on the couch. 

"Heya Beasty! How was everything?" He asked excitedly. Wirt considered the day's events then nervously smiled and said, "oh everything was um... fine. Yup, she was perfectly fine." Bipper grinned, happy to hear that nothing bad happened when he noticed the scratch on Wirt's cheek. "Woah, what happened?" "Oh I um, I just had to deal with some pest. It's nothing ma-" Wirt froze when Bipper held his cheek, trying to inspect the cut further. His entire face went red and he began sputtering nonsense though lucky for him, Bipper didn't notice. Luna did notice, however, and she was rather annoyed by the attention he was getting. 

She meowed and licked Bipper's hand, but to her surprise and Wirt's amazement, Bipper gently pushed her away and went back to focusing on Wirt. "It doesn't look too bad. I think we have some disinfectant and bandages in the kitchen." He left to go get them and Wirt grinned while Luna glared at him. He turned and smirked at her, mimicking her early taunting. "Looks like he's got a new favorite," Wirt gloated, and Luna stuck her tongue out at him.

Turns out catsitting was his best idea yet.

You thought this was gonna end with Wirt and Luna bonding, well then you were dead wrong! Those two are going to continue to fight for Bipper's attention much to the amusement of the rest of the Bad End Friends (and mine). I don't think I really went into depth for Luna's appearance so now I will. She has two green eyes that glow when she's happy, black fur with a white crescent moon shape on her stomach, and red dragon wings that she can retract into her body to appear like a normal cat. I'm not sure if a creature like her exist or has an actual name so for now, I've just been calling her a dragon-cat hybrid. I hope you enjoyed, and that's all folks! 

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