Origin part 5: The Dying Star

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I was about to start writing when I saw that this has 5.1k. . . . . THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!! That is so freaking amazing! This made me so happy, especially since I was having a crummy week (school sucks). Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I honestly don't deserve such an amazing audience! You're all wonderful people and I hope you have a wonderful life, cause you deserve it! And hopefully, this chapter makes you just as happy as you guys made me. (probably not cause it's emotional as fuck) Enjoy!

"Ooh! I'll be taking that!"

Bipper reached into a nearby trash can and dug out a newspaper, putting his donut in his mouth so that he could read. The others had agreed that it was best to only go into town if absolutely necessary, but he was bored and the people here gave him free stuff since they thought he was an orphan or something. Quickly finishing his donut, Bipper flipped through the paper, trying to find something interesting. 

Sports were a bore, politics was kind of fun but who reads about it when you can just watch it (ah right, they don't have a tv). The mayor was apparently doing something, but when was that idiot not doing something. 

Bipper was about to toss the paper when he noticed the date in the corner. August 31st, the last day of summer. Bipper dropped the paper and froze on the spot, the date replaying in his mind. Tears started to build up in the corner of the demon's eyes and he quickly rushed back into the forest.

Finn was the first to notice Bipper's return, eyebrows raised at the boy's startled appearance. "Hey, you oka-" "Give me the scissors." Marco, Finn, and Wirt looked at each other and then back at Bipper, all of them confused by his behavior. Marco took the scissors out of his pocket and Bipper snatched them from his hands, opening a portal with shaky hands. 

"Hey. What the- Bipper what's wrong?" Marco grabbed Bipper's arm, forcing the boy to look at him. But he faltered when he saw the blue glow of Bipper's eyes. "H-hey, what's wrong, man?" "N-nothing I just. . . I need to go." Bipper pulled out of Marco's hold and went through the portal, closing it behind him before anyone else could say anything.

~~At the same time~~

They kept telling her to give up. They kept saying he was gone. Give up, stop pretending, just face it. It was the same thing, over and over again. Those same infuriating words. How could they not understand? She couldn't give up. She couldn't stop looking for him, he was out there and she was going to find him.

1 year ago, Mabel lost the most important thing in her life. Her other half, the yin to her yang, her twin. 

She remembered the day like it was yesterday. Bill was in Dipper's body, trying to take the journal from her. A punch to the face and a kick to the ribs and she had lost. Bill was reaching out to get the journal then he just stopped. Mabel watched in fear and surprise, the demon's eyes flashing between yellow and brown as he screamed. 

She didn't know what was happening, her brain refusing to function. One part of her wanted to run and hug him, comfort her screaming brother like a good sister would. The other part told her that he wasn't her brother, that this was a trick. It didn't matter in the end cause he ran off with the journal. She had lost him.

They spent the rest of the summer tracking him down. Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford doing everything they could to bring him back. Slowly the two of them stopped trying, they started giving up. The worst part was, they tried to get Mabel to give up as well. They tried to distract her, and when that didn't work, they lied to her. 

He's dead! He'll never come back! You have to stop acting like he will! Just forget about him!

And then their 13th birthday rolled around. In one last attempt to distract Mabel from the loss of her brother, her grunkles talked her into throwing a party. And it worked! After months of locking herself in her room and crying into her sweater, she was finally smiling. 

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