Sibling Support

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That's all he could see for miles.

An old, abandoned, dark, town. A familiar town filled with the corpses of familiar faces. If he wasn't so worried about the person creating this dream, he would have appreciated the scenery. It was funny how the only color in this lifeless world was the crimson red of blood on the townspeople. 

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to enjoy the symbolism behind the color. He couldn't appreciate the amazing stitching she did like the first time. Really, it baffled him that she was able to stitch the mouths up into a grim smile, making them look like they were actually enjoying themselves.  But no . . .instead he was waiting for the familiar sight of pink fla- "HAHAHAHA!.

Right on cue.

He walked over to the center of town, following the sound of broken laughter. He hummed to himself as he walked, a tune that she would surely kill him for singing. The song wasn't allowed to be sung in the house or she would go ballistic.  She sure has no problem singing it herself though, he thought.

What a hypocrite, he jokingly said to himself.

The laughing got louder as he got closer. Finally, he could see her. She was curled in a ball, crying and laughing at the same time. Choking on her tears while deflated balloons caught fire around her. He really shouldn't have given her that power, it made her even more of a hazard. Now was not the best time for regret, sadly.

He looked around till his eyes landed on a skinny man with short buzzcut hair. He walked over, noting the man's police attire, and took the gun from his pocket. With the weapon in hand, he walked closer to her, methodically fiddling with the trigger.

Finally, he stopped right behind her. He bit his lip and held back tears. It's just a dream, this is the only way to wake her up. It didn't make what he was about to do any easier. But it had to be done, and this was the less. . . torturous way. So he raised the gun, aimed at the back of her head, closed his eyes. . .

and shot his sister.


Bipper burst awake, drenched in sweat. Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and laughed into his pillow. That muffled laughter slowly resolved into crying, till his pillow was soaked in his tears. 

Why are you crying!?  You're not the one who got shot in the head by your own brother! 

Bipper let out a humorless laugh, welcoming the sound of Bill's chastising voice and the headaches it brought. "Well, it was better than literally backstabbing her."

I liked that one. It was very creative.

"Hm, not really. But your input is noted," the half-demon said, getting out of bed and walking to his dresser. He looked up at the mirror and huffed out a small laugh. God, he looked like shit. Bipper opened the top drawer and reached in, trying to find his headache medicine. His finger's brushed past a small blade and he froze.

No. Not tonight.

He took another breath and let go of the knife then grabbed the pill bottle and a small water bottle as well. He learned rather quickly that it helped to have these things on hand. 

He took out a tablet then, with a swig of water, he swallowed it. Bipper hesitated then put the bottle of medicine in his pockets. With that, he closed his drawer and made his way over to his sister's room. Bill decided that he would stick around this time.

Why do you live here? You know I have a palace in the Nightmare Realm.

"It's nice here," Bipper simply answered. Though it pained him to talk to Bill, he liked it. He liked hearing the demon's voice because it meant he wasn't fully fused. The demon was still separate from him. Their souls may have merged together and he may have gained his powers, but he was still him. Still Dipp-

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