thirty two

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The next few days spent in Amalfi, Italy were a blur of beach days, sunburns, amazing food, and narrow cobblestone streets.

Despite the ongoing war, this vacation felt like an escape from the anxiety surrounding the war.

Reg and Jo seemed happy.

They hadn't said anything to any of us, but it wasn't hard to see. It was the little things. It was how Jolie would adjust Regulus's shirt collar, how Regulus would absentmindedly kiss Jolie on the cheek when they saw each other in the morning.

Right now, we were all lounging around the pool, basking in the mid-afternoon sun. James was laying next to me, his head was tilted towards me as he talked while the summer sun shone down on his body, browning his skin and illuminating the dark blue hues in his hazel eyes.

"I wonder how Romeo's doing, do you think he's so okay? We shouldn't have left him home-"

I laughed, "James, our cat is going to be fine. He wouldn't like Italy anyways, your mum will take care of him."

Even though my cat, Romeo, had been a birthday gift from James, he sort of became our cat. Merlin knows that having a child now would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen to me, and I wholeheartedly mean that, anyway, Romeo is good practice. Co-parenting a kitten with James is about as close to being a parent as I want to get for at least a few years down the road.

James sighed, "I guess so."

There was a scream coming from the pool as Jolie was pushed off of Regulus's shoulders by Sirius. They were 'chicken fighting' or something like that.

Sirius slapped his chest, "Wolfstar for the win!"

Remus leaned backward, causing Sirius to fall back into the water just as Jolie's head popped up from underneath the surface of the water.

She and Reg were both laughing as Sirius surfaced and glared daggers at Remus.

"I was having and good hair day! Now I look like a fucking rat-"

Remus stifled a laugh, "Why are you in the pool if you don't want your hair to get wet?"

"He has a point!" I yelled as I stood up from my lounge chair and stretched.

Sirius gave me the finger before returning to his rant about how his hair was wrecked now.

I was standing on the edge of the pool, watching the utter chaos erupt as Regulus dunked Jolie's head underwater.

At that moment, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as James flung me over his shoulder and jumped into the pool, bringing me with him.

The water enveloped my body as I was sent into the pool, James' arms still wrapped around me.

When my head broke the surface of the water, James was laughing his arse off as I pushed my now soaking wet hair out of my face.

I swam over to him and wrapped my legs around his waist, grinning at him.

James smirked back at me, but the smirk was quickly swept off his face as I proceeded to dunk his head under the water.

Remus was laughing at us as Regulus, Sirius, and Jolie began a full-on water war beside him.

"You're lucky I love you, otherwise I would've held your head underwater." I teased as James ran a hand through his wet hair, sending water droplets every which way.

James pulled me against him and kissed me on the forehead, "You could drown me and I'd say thank you."

"That's kinky!" Sirius yelled as he put Regulus into a headlock in an attempt to dunk him under the water.

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