fifty two

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November 30th, 1979

I descended the stairs into the foyer, where the smell of dinner being cooked filled my senses. James was singing in the kitchen while he was cooking, and his voice carried through the house, making me smile as I made my way to the kitchen.

He was examining the food in the oven through the oven window, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the roast.

I sat down quietly on one of the stools at the island, finally drawing my husbands attention away from cooking.

"Hello darling," James announced with a grin.

I smiled, "What's for dinner?"

"A roast, potatoes, and carrots. It should be done soon."

I nodded, "Sounds good."

James hummed softly as he turned his attention back to cooking.

I drummed my fingers softly against the granite countertops.

Is now a good time?

I sighed as I lifted my head up from where it had been resting in my hand, and cleared my throat.

"James, I'm late."

My husband, who was busy making dinner, glanced up at me, "No you're not, the Order meeting isn't for another hour or so."

I huffed, "No-, I know that. What I mean is that I'm late."

James put on an oven mitt and grabbed the roast from the oven. "I don't get-," James set the roast on the stovetop a little too hard, his eyes widening.

He pushed up his wire glasses and discarded his oven mitt. "Late, as in?"

"Yes," I replied.

My husband leaned against the counter, his eyes wide, and his face holding an expression that I couldn't quite understand.

"How late?"

I thought for a second, "A week or so?"

"Bloody hell," James muttered.

"James, darling," I assured, "There's no need to freak out or jump to conclusions."

James stared at me, his hazel eyes warm-hearted. "I'm not," He replied, "I'm just thinking. We should get you into the doctor to make sure, and then depending on what we find out-"

"That sounds great, and we will do that, but right now I just want to eat the dinner that you made for us." I shrugged, "Plus we have the Order meeting tonight, so we can figure all of this out tomorrow."

James threw his hands up in the air dramatically. He sighed, "You can't spring this news on me because now I'm too excited to eat and I'm going to be restless all night."

I rolled my eyes at James.

"Just sit down and eat dinner with me please," I teased.

The sound of our front door being flung open distracted us.

Sirius came strutting into the kitchen, his Doc Marten's loud against the tile floor.

"Hello fuckers," He announced, "We came over for dinner."

Remus shook his head from behind Sirius, "He's such a dumbass."

"Why did we give him a key?" I asked jokingly as I got up and grabbed four plates from the cabinet.

"Because you would get bored without your favorite token gays," Sirius stated.

James shrugged, "You're not wrong."

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