thirty five

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To ring in Regulus's sixteenth birthday, we decided to go out for dinner, stock up on a variety of alcohol, and have the time of our lives back at the house.

Sirius was already blackout drunk, James was close behind, Jolie was 'tipsy', Remus was near sober, and I was in a euphoric state somewhere between tipsy and blackout.

James wouldn't stop laughing, "No-, guys I'm serious."

"No, I'm Sirius!"

"Shut the fuck up Padfoot," James groaned, "Why don't you believe me that I could beat Padfoot in a fight in animagi form?"

Remus chuckled, "I could annihilate all three of you combined."

Regulus poured himself another shot, "I still can't believe it."

"The animagi part, or the werewolf part?" I teased.

The youngest Black brother slammed his now empty shot glass on the coffee table. He ran a hand through his messier than usual hair, "Both. I'm still trying to comprehend it."

"Welcome to the club." Jolie joked as she rummaged through her purse.

After we had gotten home from dinner, we had decided to go straight to drinking.

"I have a fun idea," Jolie announced as she pulled a vial from her bag.

"Is that-"

"No fucking way-"

I groaned as she held up the vial that I easily recognized as Veritaserum.

The truth serum.

"I don't know about you lot," Sirius slurred, "But I'm too wasted to even come up with a lie right now."

Remus poured himself some firewhiskey, "You're too wasted to walk in a straight line right now, dear."

"Hey-, me too!" Regulus laughed as he high-fived his older brother.

"Are we playing, or not?" I groaned.

After a few delayed agreements, Jolie was passing the vial of Veritaserum around. When it reached James, he placed a few droplets on his tongue before grabbing my chin and tilting me towards him.

He quickly kissed me before holding out the dropper and placing a few droplets of the sickly sweet potion onto my tongue.

Once everyone had a dose of possibly the most chaotic potion that one could consume, it was hard to differentiate whether the effects were from the alcohol or the truth serum.

"Time to see if it worked," Jolie announced in a singsong voice, "Remus what's your deepest secret?"

Remus looked as if he was trying to hold back from speaking, but failing. "I'm a gay werewolf."

We all burst out laughing.

"You already knew that, how's it funny?" Remus pout as he leaned his head on Sirius's shoulder.

James cocked his head back as he laughed, "Because it's funny!"

I stifled a laugh, "Let's play since the potion is obviously working."

"I'll go first," Jolie mumbled, "Sirius, truth or dare?"

Sirius ran a hand through his long hair, "I'm going to spice it up and say truth."

"Wonderful, have you ever had a crush-, or attraction to anyone in this room other than Remus?"

Sirius groaned, "Yes."

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