forty five

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December 24th, 1978

The first week of our honeymoon flew by. We spent most days being lazy at the beach or pool, doing to dinner in town, and just taking a break from all the craziness.

We were originally planning to go home for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, then come back to St. Lucia, but we decided to go back to Paris after Christmas.

Where it all began.

The Beaufort manor in Paris remained empty, and the dust was probably settled from Beatrice and Henry's trip with their friends in August.

I wrote to my dad to let him know that we'd be staying there for the week following Christmas, and he was more than happy to hear that the manor wasn't sitting in the dark and dust.

"You ready, love?" James asked from the living room, where he was waiting for me with our trunks.

I quickly slipped on my shoes sitting in the foyer, and joined my husband in the living room.

James kissed me on the cheek, "Meet you there."

With one hand he held onto his trunk, and with the other hand he gripped his wand as he disappeared with a crack.

I did the same, holding onto my trunk as I apparated to the Potter Manor.

When I landed in the front yard, James was standing a few feet away from me, already reaching out to carry my trunk for me.

The front door cracked open and Fleamont peeked his head. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask," He stated, "James, what did we get you for your thirteenth birthday?"

James looked at his father, "A new broomstick because mine broke, the Comet 220."

Fleamont flung open the door and hugged his son, "Sorry I had to ask, it's the new protocol."

I hugged my father-in-law, "Merry Christmas."

He smiled at the two of us, "Come inside, it's cold out."

When we entered the warm house, the smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies wafted into the foyer from the kitchen.

Sirius, who had been pressed against the window awaiting for our return, pushed past me without a second thought and enveloped James into a bone crushing hug.

"Wow, really Padfoot?" I teased as Remus raced down the stairs.

Remus wrapped his long arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He was wearing plaid pajama pants and a maroon sweater.

"How've you been?" Remus asked as he pulled away from the hug and went to hug James.

I grinned as Sirius hugged me, "Relaxed, it was so beautiful."

Euphemia came into the foyer from the kitchen, where I assumed she had been making the cookies that I smelled from the second I walked through the door.

Her grey hair was braided back, and her smile was wide as she hugged James and me.

"Merry Christmas, newly weds!" My mother in law exclaimed, "How was St. Lucia?"

James hugged his mother tightly, "It was so relaxing, and the beaches were beautiful."

Fleamont smiled, "Well, Reggie went to have a Christmas Eve dinner with Jolie and her family, but the both of them should be back shortly."

"Oh hush, Fleamont," Euphemia teased, "Are you hungry? I just made cookies."

Remus's face lit up.

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