fifty one

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TW: Sex
If this makes you uncomfortable don't read past the third set of ellipses.

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November 3th, 1979

The good thing about having Remus and Sirius live three doors down is that we can get back at Sirius for barging into our house unannounced through all hours of the night.

James and I quietly snuck in through their front door, scaring Remus, who was in the kitchen drinking tea.

James wiggled the cake he made in front of a very exhausted Remus. "Moony, look what I made! All by myself."

Remus smiled, "Please wake him up loudly, he deserves it."

"What he do?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, yet," Remus joked. "He's just been extra dramatic since it's his twentieth birthday. He claimed he saw a grey hair last night."

James and I stifled laughs before heading upstairs to their bedroom.

Remus stood quietly in the doorway, his head resting on the wall beside him. It was a full moon tomorrow night, so he wasn't feeling well.

James carefully handed me the cake before flinging himself on top of Sirius.

"Oi-, what the fuck!"

"Happy birthday, Padfoot!" James chimed in a sing-song voice.

Sirius pushed James off of him and looked up at Remus and me. "Come on, you let them in?"

I rolled my eyes, "Lovely to see you."

"Before I got my birthday blowjob?" Sirius complained.

Remus's face turned bright red, and James and I started laughing hysterically.

"Padfoot, you barge into our house unannounced all the time, and deadass walked in on us," I stated matter-o-factly.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Is that a cake I see?"

He reached out for the cake I was holding and I pulled it away at the last second.

"Ah-, not yet," I stated, "It's for later tonight when we have company."

Sirius blinked rapidly, "I have company? Or you and Prongs have company?"

"Don't worry, Padfoot, the wife and I are hosting because we're just that amazing," James announced proudly.

Remus laughed, "I have one question?"

"Yes?" James and I asked in unison.

"Will there be chocolate?"

I smirked, "Of course."

Sirius sat up in bed and groaned, "I also have a question, will there be alcohol?"

"Why wouldn't we? A party can't be a party unless there's alcohol."

James clapped Sirius on the back, "Now, get dressed, we'll make breakfast and coffee."

Sirius groaned, "But it's so early."

"It's ten in the morning," Remus stated.

"You are all awful people for wake me up at this hour on my twentieth birthday," Sirius said dramatically.

I stuck my tongue out at Sirius before skipping down the stairs, followed by James and Remus.

"So a birthday blowjob?" I teased Remus as we got to the kitchen.

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