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"Wake up!"

Yelling, accompanied with a body flinging on top of me startled me awake. My eyes shot open and I attempted to sit up in my bed, but the weight of James's toned body weighed me down.

"What the fuck, Prongs?" I yelled.

My eyes scanned to the room to discover that Sirius and Remus were standing in the doorway, and my three roommates were bustling around the dormitory getting ready.

Sirius and Remus were snickered in the doorway, but immediately stopped when I shot them a glare.

"Today's the day!"

I pushed James off of me and he landed on the floor making Lily and Jolie laugh. Jolie nudged him with her foot, "Can you leave?"

"If you didn't want me here, then why'd you let me in?"

I looked at Jolie, "You let him in?"

"Lily made me!"

Lily rolled her green eyes, "Only because you threatened to break down the door."

The blankets on Marlene's bed rustled as she flipped them back and got out of bed. "I wanted to go back to bed, but you idiots make that impossible."

Mary peaked her head around the bathroom door frame, "How did you even get up here?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Sirius stated with his signature wink.

Marlene shot a confusing look at her ex, "What the hell is a magician?"

All of us began laughing, well all of us except for James, Jolie, and Marlene. The two of them looked extremely confused.

"How have I never been informed about this thing you call a magician." James mumbled, pulling himself up off of the floor. He pushed me over in my bed and took a seat next to me.

"It's a person who practices muggle magic. They do tricks or pranks to entertain people."

Marlene's eyes widened, "Bloody hell, I should be a magician!"

"That sounds dumb. What even is muggle magic?" Jolie teased.

"As much as I would love to have this conversation right now, we should leave." Remus said as he cleared his throat.

Sirius agreed, "Yes, we came to collect Daph."

I rolled my eyes and stood up from my bed, "Get out then so I can get ready."

James pulled my blankets over his body, "Why the fuck is your bed so comfy?"

All of the girls and I began laughing.

Sirius pushed past Jolie and climbed into my bed next to James. My bed shifted under the added weight as Sirius laid down.

"Merlin, he's right!"

Jolie pulled my blankets off of them, "Get out before I hex you. It's too early to deal with your bullshit."

Sirius flipped the blonde off as he and James walked towards the doorway. James stuck his tongue out at her, and Remus just looked embarrassed for the two boys.

"I apologize for them," Remus muttered, "We'll meet you in the common room?"

I nodded in agreement and closed the door behind them.

"How did they get up the stairs?" Lily muttered to herself.

Mary, who was finally done getting ready in the bathroom, laughed, "You never know with those boys?"

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