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It was a bit before five at night, and all of the boys were already hyped up. The three of them were already waiting for me in the kitchen when I walked down the stairs.

I had chosen to wear a yellow bikini with green flowers on it. I had thrown a fluffy white robe over it. The boys were all in their swim trunks with their jumpers and hoodies still on.

They were deep in conversation with each other about their plans for the trip.

"I see you found the kitchen." I joked as I walked into the room. They all turned to look at me, surprised by my presence.

"I'm going to need a map of this place."

"Okay Padfoot," I laughed, "I will make sure to get you a map as soon as possible."

Remus laughed, "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Well," I began, "We could go out on the town, or we could get food delivered and then go out tomorrow."

"Do you have firewhiskey?" James asked in full seriousness.

Remus hit him in the arm, "I'm not dealing with a drunk James."

"Yes, we have a whole cellar of alcohol." I admitted watching the devilish glint appear in James' hazel eyes.

"Where?" James and Sirius chimed in unison.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll show you later, I thought you lot wanted to swim?"

After they all nodded in agreement, I led them down the corridor to the double doors that opened into the pool room. The back wall was all windows, which looked out onto the gardens. During the summer, the windows opened up to the patio, but in the winter, they stayed closed to keep the pool warm.

Sirius pulled his shirt over his head and cannonballed into the deep end, splashing Remus.

"Oh, you're a goner." Remus mocked.

He pulled his shirt over his head and jumped into the pool after Sirius. The two boys were flinging water at each other and attempting to dunk each other's heads under the water.

James and I laughed at the sight.

Merlin, they are so in love.

I pulled on the bow of my robe, undoing it. As I slide my robe down my shoulders, the warm air felt cold against my bare skin. I set my robe on one of the chairs and grabbed four towels from the linen closet.

When I turned back around, I caught James looking up and down my body. His hazel eyes lingered a bit too long, and I caught his gaze as his eyes met mine.

"Like what you see?" I teased.

James grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it over his head. I caught my eyes trailing.

I had always assumed that James had a good body, and I had seen him shirtless before-, but not recently. James had toned abs, and his body was slightly tanned despite it being late December. His abs led down to his v-line.

"I could ask you the same thing," James mocked, "Eyes up."

I scoffed, "And I could say the exact same thing. My eyes are up here." I pointed to my face and then pointed back to him.

"Oh yeah? Really?"


I screamed as James flung me over his shoulder. He was dying with laughter as he got closer to the edge of the pool. My scream turned into laughter as Sirius and Remus started laughing as well.

"Nice arse, Vixen." Sirius yelled.

I flipped him off despite not being able to see him.


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