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"Do you want to tell me why you thought that this was a good idea?"

I could see Remus shift beside me out of my peripheral vision. The four of us were completely silent as we endured the wrath of Professor McGonagall.

Sirius cleared his throat, "Well, how do you know it was us, Minnie?"

"Yeah, you have no proof." James added, crossing his arms in front of himself.

"James. Sirius. Please shut up." I muttered.

"Mr. Potter, I saw all four of you running away from Mr. Snape."

Sirius scoffed, "Okay, and? There's plenty of reasons to run away from him."

"His hairs greasy-"

"He's mean-"

"He's unfriendly."

"Boys, enough!" McGonagall replied cutting them off. "I understand that you dislike Mr. Snape, but that's no excuse for bombarding him with dung bombs, turning his hair red and gold, then stunning him so he couldn't get up from the stinky corridor."

James and Sirius high fived, and Remus cleared his throat.

"Professor, if I may, this wasn't just one of our regular pranks. You see-, Severus called Lily a mudblood, and she was quite upset-"

I cut him off, "We were simply defending her honor."

McGonagall massaged her temples and looked up at the four of us. "While I understand that you had a valid reason for this incident, I still do have to punish you."

Sirius groaned.

"-However, I will cut down the punishment. One week's detention for the four of you. I'll see you in my office at eight pm."

James frowned, Sirius groaned again, and Remus nodded his head.

"Thank you, Professor." I assured as I stood up from my hair in front of her oak desk.

"Yes, thank you." Remus added.

Remus and I began to walk out of McGonagall's classroom, James and Sirius followed behind us after muttered a quick thank you.

As soon as the door shut behind us, and we were alone in the corridor, Padfoot and Prongs burst out laughing.

I stopped in my tracks to turn around to face them. I crossed my arms in front of my body, a scowl forming on my face. "We would've gotten away with it if you idiots wouldn't have started causing a commotion that practically woke up the whole castle!"

Moony mumbled, "Damn right, you two will be the death of me."

"Oh come on Vixen," Prongs announced, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "If wouldn't have been as much fun if we had gotten away with it."

Padfoot smirked, "He's right, now everyone will know who to thank for putting Snivellus in his place."

"Or who to hex." Moony added, earning him a glare from a certain devilish wizard.

"Loosen up a bit Moony, it'll be good for you." James claimed in a singsong voice.

Sirius laughed, "I know a way you can loosen up-"


Sirius, James, and I all began dying with laughter. Remus, on the other hand, was blushing profusely. I guess I know where they'll be if I can't find them later.

The four of us reached the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Chivalry." Remus muttered.

The Fat Lady held up her hand, "No, I want to sing for you first."

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