sixty two

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November 4th, 1981

It's been four days. Four days since Henry died. Four days since the Dark Lord was killed and rendered too weak to come back until the Prophecy Child, Neville, will be dead from old age.

Frank, Alice, and Neville are allowed to come out of hiding at the end of the week. Just a few extra days as a precaution.

Halloween night was a victory, but also a loss.

"I made breakfast," James said as I stepped into the kitchen.

I smiled, "Good morning, what're you making?"

"Pancakes and eggs."

Stepped over towards where James was cooking and caught sight of the raw eggs cooking on the stove.

My hand flew to my mouth and I booked it out of kitchen with no explanation.

Ducking into the near east bathroom, I barely had time to close the door and hold back my hair before emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I flushed the toilet before opening the bathroom door, seeing James waiting in the hallway, holding Julian.

"Are you?"

"Pregnant?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe."

James followed me upstairs, bringing Julian with him.

"You should go to the doctor to make sure," James suggested.

I opened our bedroom door and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, James following.

"I can't today," I explained, "I have Henry's funeral."

James frowned, "It's not until this afternoon. If you don't want to go today, we can go some other day."

I brushed my teeth while James talked.

Spitting out my toothpaste and rinsing the sink out, I put my toothbrush back in the holder.

"Fine," I said, "I'll go today. If Healer Diana isn't completely booked."

"You check with her, and I'll see if Sirius and Remus and watch Julian a bit early."

I raised my eyebrow, "You better not tell them why."

"I won't," James promised.

"Pafoo and Moony?" Julian asked.

I took him from James's arms and propped him against my hip as I went back downstairs.

"Yup," I replied, "You're going to hangout with Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony."


James laughed, "Mum and dad have something to do."

"Ok," Julian babbled.

• • • • •

Being back in the waiting room of St. Mungo's felt strange. I haven't been here since Julian was born. So, well over a year.

James tapped his foot anxiously as we waited. He's been anxious ever since I threw up this morning.

"Daphne Potter."

James and I got up from our seats in the waiting room and followed Healer Diana back to one of the examination rooms.

She closed the door softly behind us and gestured for us to sit down.

"How've you been?" Healer Diana asked.

"Good," I responded, "Well, my brothers funeral is today, but I've been good."

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