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James and I laid in bed for a while before we heard the front door open and slam closed soon after. The laughter of Sirius and Remus echoed throughout the staircase and along the corridor.

I looked over at James and slowly pulled the duvet cover off of my body. "I guess it's time to get up.

James pulled me back against his bare chest, "No-, please don't go."

"I'm going to at least go say hi, and I want a snack." I replied as I pulled my robe over my body.

He smirked, "Wearing that?"

"Does it matter?"

James sat up, letting the blankets fall down his body, revealing his exposed abs. "No, bring me a snack up?"

I pressed a kiss on his cheek, "Of course."

The chatter and laughter of the other two Marauders got louder as I reach the foyer. They were sitting on one of the couches, deep in conversation, both of their faces blushed from the cold.

Remus looked at me when he heard me walk in, "Hey, Vix."

"Hello, boys. Fun night?"

Sirius grinned, "Night's not over yet."

"Well," I laughed, "I'll leave you to it."

Remus furrowed his brows, "Nice outfit?"

"You look like you just got railed." Sirius joked.

My face flushed red, "I-, I just woke up from a nap."

"Oh, okay." Sirius laughed.

Remus just gave me another one of his knowing looks and turned his attention back to Sirius, who looked a bit confused.

"Where's Prongs?"

I quickly racked my brain for an answer, "I think he went to bed early."

Sirius shrugged, "Loser."

I crossed my arms as I walked down the corridor and into the kitchen. I had no energy to cook anything, and at times like this, I wished we had a house elf.

We do at our manor in London, her name is Jilley. After much convincing from Sebastian and me, she finally agreed to accept clothes from us after three years of asking. My family has always treated her well, we even tried paying her, but she got mad.

I opened the pantry to look at the never-ending snack selection.

Perks of magic.

I grabbed a big bag of crisps, and a few Twinkie's that I shoved into the pocket of my robe.

Sirius and Remus were quiet in the living room, and I could no longer hear their chatter. They probably went upstairs.

As I walked through the living room, in an attempt to go back upstairs, Remus and Sirius were still downstairs, which was unfortunate for me.

"Oi! At least wait until I was back upstairs." I yelled as I quickly ran up the stairs.

Sirius chuckled, "Don't be jealous just because you don't have anyone to snog, Vixen."

I flipped Sirius off, "For the record, I have plenty of people that I could snog."

Sirius let out another laugh and I quickly rushed upstairs with the snacks I had gotten from the kitchen. I got a quick look at the grandfather clock in the second-floor corridor.


I sighed in exhaustion and trudged my way up to my room.

James was still sitting on our bed, with only the blankets covering his body. He had a book in his hands and was reading until his head shot up to look at me as I closed the bedroom door behind me.

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