sixty one

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TW: Violence, War, Death

• • • • •

October 30th, 1981

"I've received word from a spy inside the Dark Lord's ranks that they are planning on storming Hogwarts tomorrow night."

Everyone in the Order was silent. The only sound heard was the soft rain hitting the building of an undisclosed location.

"You all need to be at the ready to fight tomorrow," Dumbledore continued. "We will need all the help that we can get."

Molly Weasley looked at her husband then back at Dumbledore.

"What about our kids?"

Dumbledore pressed his lips together into a thin line. "If," He announced, "You have children, or are expecting, I would advise at least one of you to stay home to keep your children safe."

I glanced at James, who was sitting beside me. He had an uneasy look on his face as Dumbledore spoke.

"I'll send my Patronus to notify all of you when the time has come," Dumbledore continued, "You will gather in the Hogs Head Inn. My brother will help you into Hogwarts from there."

The room remained silent, and the silence was uneasy. Almost unbearable.

"With that said, this meeting is adjourned," Dumbledore finished, "If you have questions come
speak to me."

The silence was broken by chairs squeaking against the cement floor as everyone got up to leave.

"I want to fight," I muttered.

James furrowed his brows, "What?"

"I want to fight, I need to," I restated. "I need to do something other than stay at home, otherwise I'll lose my mind."

"There's no way in hell that I'm letting you go alone," James argued. "If you're going, then I'm going."

"What about Julian?"

James shrugged, "We can see if Mary or Dorcas will watch him. We'll need skilled fighters and healers, and you're one of them."

I glanced across the room and saw the rest of our friends gathered in a group talking.

"Hey guys," I said, "I have a request."

Jolie raised her eyebrow, "What is it?"

"We need someone to watch Julian tomorrow because we both want to go fight," James sputtered out.

Remus coughed, "You can't be for real."

"I am," I added, "I cant stay home otherwise I'll lose my shit, and James won't let me go without him."

Mary fiddled with her necklace.

"If you're really sure about this," Mary suggested, "Then I can watch him. The Order will need people skilled in combat, and that's not me."

"Thank you, Mary," James said. "We'll come get him as soon as the battle is over."

• • • • •

October 31st, 1981

After making sure that Julian was safe with Mary, James and I apparated to the Hogs Head Inn. We were just about to sit down for dinner when we got a message from Dumbledore's Patronus.

I looked around the dinghy building at the people gathered to fight. There were twenty three of us gathered, and there were rumored to be even more already at Hogwarts. Students and professors.

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