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"Can I come in?"

I stripped out of all of my clothes and stepped into the shower, the hot water falling down my body.

There was another knock on the door.

"Fine," I yelled through the door.

James was grinning widely as he walked into the bathroom, looking me up and down through the glass door of the shower.

I flipped him my middle finger, "No funny business, James."

He held up his hands in surrender, "I would never."

I turned away and looked up at the showerhead, letting the droplets race down my body. James' clothes softly hit the tiled floor as he undressed and stepped into the large shower.

James jokingly pushed me away, "Don't be a water hog."

I grabbed one of his curls and yanked it, earning a yelp from James. "This is my shower, you're just a guest."

He cupped his hands together, letting them fill with water before he flung the contents at my face.

I hit him, "You idiot, I'm already wet!"

"Wow, already? I just got here-"

"Oh shut up."

After the two of us calmed down and stopped fighting over the warm water, James poured a dollop of shampoo into his hands and began massaging the soap into my shiny wet hair.

I tilted my head back as ran his fingers through my hair.

"My turn." James exclaimed as he took his hands away from me.

James bowed his head so I could reach his hair better. I poured the shampoo into my hands and began massaging it into James's unruly curls.

"Your father, it's the potioneer of Sleek-Eazy," I teased, "And your hair is always an absolute mess."

James laughed softly, "Exactly, I love my parents with my whole heart, but I don't just want to be James Potter, Son of Fleamont Potter, I want to be James Potter-, hero or something."

"James Potter, Marauder, Quidditch Captain, Friend, Boyfriend, Son."

He looked up at me, and I stopped rubbing the shampoo into his black hair.

"The list will go on James, who knows what it will say? Father? Hero? Husband? Illegal animagi?"

James' stared at me, hazel meeting blue.

"You want kids?"

I bit my lip, "Yeah-, obviously not anytime soon-, but eventually."

He was looking at me intently, the water droplets dripping from the end of his ringlets.

"D-, do you?" I asked.

James tilted his head back to rinse the shampoo out, "Definitely, probably two-, maybe four, I like even numbers."

I helped rinse the soap out of his mess of what he called hair, "Me too, even numbers."

"Wanna make a baby?"

My eyes widened, "What?"

"I'm only kidding, Daphne," James laughed, "But if you want to practice-"

"I am going to stop you right there, James Fleamont Potter."

James smirked at me, "Make me, Daphne Jane Beaufort."

"I should've locked the door." I sighed sarcastically as I stepped under the shower's stream of hot water.

son amour - j. potterWhere stories live. Discover now