twenty six

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By the time I walked into the common room, my arm linked with Jolie's, the party was already in full swing. Music was blasting, people were dancing, drinks were poured.

After my adventure with James, we had laid cuddled up in each other's embrace for a while, until we both left to get lunch. Since then, I had spent the afternoon with all of my friends, opened their gifts, went to dinner, and got ready for the party.

Candies from Honeyduke's from Mary, a new skirt from Marlene, a framed picture of all of us girls from Lily, a charm bracelet from Jolie, complete with a Gryffindor charm, a ruby charm, and a D charm.

From the boys, Sirius got me a leather jacket, "So we can match", a few classical books from Remus, and from James-

"Let me go get your present." James announced, standing up from the couch. "Make her cover her eyes."

Sirius obliged and covered my ears as James disappeared up the stairs.

"Moony, what is it?"

He laughed, "You know I can't tell you that."

There were footsteps on the staircase again, along with the meow of someone's cat.


Sirius moved his hands away and my eyes readjusted to the sight before me.

James was standing in front of me, with a cage in his hands, containing the cutest kitten that I've ever seen.

"Happy birthday, love!"

I opened the cage and took out the kitten. It began purring as I scratched its head, holding him tight in my arms.

"He's so cute! It's a he, right?"

James nodded and began to scratch the kittens' ears.

The kitten began to nuzzle into my arm, his soft white fur tickling my arm. He was a Birman cat, with deep blue eyes, white fur, grey ears, and a grey snout.

"That cat would not stop meowing earlier today."

I looked at James, "How long have you had my kitten in your room?"

Remus laughed, "Don't worry, Sirius and I picked him up this morning when you two were doing Merlin knows what."

"What are you gonna name him?" James asked, kissing me on the cheek.

I looked at the kitten that was purring in my arms, his blue eyes pressed shut.

"Romeo," I said, "His name is Romeo."

James grinned at me, "Hello, Romeo."

Romeo spent the afternoon sitting on my lap, or James' lap, in the common room as we talked with our friends. He was very affectionate, but also very sleepy. He was tiny.

When Jolie and I reached the common room, James greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"You look lovely."

Jolie flicked James' forehead, "I'm here to idiot."

I let out a laugh as James pulled me back into his arms, and pulled me into a hug from behind.

"You look beautiful as well, Jolie."

The blonde smiled, "Thank you, Jamesy. I will be at the drink table if you need me-, but don't." She shot us a wink before disappearing into the crowd.

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