forty two

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After being promptly woken up at nine in the morning on my wedding day, things got crazy.

Remus, Sirius, and Regulus visited me soon after I woke up. Remus brought me coffee, Sirius gave me a speech about 'the joys and struggles of marriage', and Regulus hugged me.

The girls arrived at ten, excluding Jolie, who was the one to wake me up, and we had breakfast together in my bedroom before we all got ready.

Despite the nice breakfast, with Euphemia popping in, it was the last bit of calm before the storm that I like to call My Mother arrived.

As soon as I heard the knock on the door, my stomach dropped.

I shot Jolie a glance, and she finished the rest of her mimosa before getting up. "Missus Beaufort, Beatrice," Jolie exclaimed, "It's so lovely to see you."

My mother smiled, her lips pressed into a thin line, "It's lovely to see you too, although I wish it were under different circumstances."

Marlene's eyes darted towards me, a confused and borderline concerned look on her face.

I stood up from the couch in the suite-like bedroom, "Mum, Bea, I'm glad you all could make it. Where's dad and Henry?"

My not-so-little sister hugged me, "Dad wanted to speak with James, and Henry is with the boys."

"Hi, I'm Lily, it's lovely to meet you both," Lily said, coming to my rescue. "We'll leave you to talk as a family."

My mother smiled, "Thank you, dear."

All of my friends flooded out of the room, taking Beatrice with them, leaving me alone with my mother.

She sat down in one of the plush armchairs, and I sat across from her on the couch. I smoothed out my silk nightgown before folding my hands in my lap.

"Do you really hate him that much?"

My mother looked up at me, seemingly startled that I was speaking to her. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, streaked with the occasional grey hair.

She rest her hands in her lap, "No, I don't. He's a fine young man, but I don't understand why you feel the need to get married so young, you're both only eighteen."

"You and dad got married at nineteen." I replied, my voice indifferent.

My mother looked down at her formal black dress and sighed. "Yes, we did."

"I truly do love him," I added, "And I'm sorry if you don't approve of this marriage-, actually, I'm not sorry. You made a mistake when it came to marriage, and you took it out on all of your perfect children. I am not you, and I'm not making a mistake, regardless of what you think."

My mothers' lips were pressed into a firm line, "Very well then, it is your life. You've practically been without us since you were fifteen, so I assume that I have no right to make decisions for you."

Her voice was cold.

"I need to start getting ready." I stated, my voice unwavering despite the emotion that rooted itself in the pit of my stomach.

My mother stood up, "Very well then."

The oak door closed with a bang as she left the room, leaving me all alone.

As much as I would have liked to scream, or cry, or punch something, this is my wedding day and I would not let my 'mother' wreck it for me.

Just as soon as the door closed, there was a knock and it opened again.

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