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Sometime in October 1978

The dimly lit basement of an undisclosed location was filled with wizards and witches of all ages. Some old, some in their mid-twenties, and some who had just become of age.

I tightened my grip on James' hand as more people filled the basement as the start time of the meeting got close.

The basement was filled with familiar faces. James, Sirius, Remus, Jolie, Regulus, Lily, Marlene, Frank, Alice, Mary, Dorcas. I was surrounded by people who I've known since I was eleven, except now we're eighteen and preparing to fight in a war against the Dark Lord and his followers.

Arthur and Molly Weasley, as well as the Prewett twins, Alastor Moody, and Mundungus Fletcher, were also in attendance.

Despite still being in school at Hogwarts, Regulus was of age, pledged loyalty to Dumbledore, and practically begged to be able to leave Hogwarts for the weekend so that he could visit all of us and attend the meeting.

There was a CRACK of apparation, and Dumbledore appeared in the basement. His long robes flowed behind him as he made his way to the head of the long table and took a seat.

I'll still never get used to seeing the Headmaster of Hogwarts outside of the grounds of Hogwarts. He still dresses the same though.

James and Arthur, who had been in deep conversation about the newest additions to the Weasley family, Fred, and George, became silent, the rest of the room following as Dumbledore surveyed the room.

"Thank you all for being here," Dumbledore began, "This is the first official meeting, of many, of the Order of the Phoenix. The location will remain undisclosed, and everyone will travel here by their given Portkey's."

James squeezed my hand reassuringly as I glanced around at all of the young faces in the room. I am more than glad to offer my service to the Order, but teenagers shouldn't have to give up their life plans to fight in a war.

Jolie, who was sitting to my left, leaned over and whispered, "Where do you think Dumbledore gets his clothes? Because I'm quite curious to this very day."

I kicked my best friend in the shin underneath the table, all the while we both attempted to keep a straight face.

"Voldemort's followers have started increasing their attacks on not only muggle-borns but muggles as well."

I shot a glance towards Lily and Marlene, who both sat nervously across the table from me, their hands openly intertwined on the table.

Lily gave me a soft smile as if she were trying to reassure me, even though I'm not the one who needs reassurance.

Marlene cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention to her. "Are Lily and I safe?"

Dumbledore crossed his hands in front of him, "None of us are safe, but it's not time for you to go into hiding yet if that's what you're asking."

"Good, because I have a wedding to go to in two months and I really don't want to miss it." Marlene stated matter-o-factly, the sass in her voice making an appearance.

Everyone around the room laughed softly despite the circumstances of this meeting.

"You're all invited, for the record," James announced, "Save the date! December 17th."

Molly Weasley gave James and me a soft smile, "Arthur and I will be there."

I smiled at Molly, a genuine smile. I don't know how she does it. Five children, who are all boys. I think I'd lose my mind if I had five kids, let alone five boys.

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