fifty five

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Author's Note: I love love love the name Harry, but I always attach it to canon and Jily, so James & Daphne's baby will not be named Harry.

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After four hours of labor, our son was born at 1:34 am on August 1st.

He was born perfectly healthy, and even though he's a newborn and doesn't really look like either of us yet, he had a head of dark brown hair and blue eyes.

At a first glance, he looked more like James, but when he opened his eyes, he looked like the perfect mix of the both of us.

When James went to get the rest of our friends from the waiting room, Jolie was murmuring to our son with a big smile on her face.

Sirius quietly entered the room, making sure not to disrupt the baby.

"Oh my god," Sirius whispered yelled, "You two are parents now."

I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Is he sleeping?"

Jolie shook her head, "He's awake, just quiet."

"Does this mean I can finish singing Bohemian Rhapsody?"

James rolled his eyes, "Only because you sat in the waiting room for four hours."

Regulus wrapped his arm around Jolie's waist and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"He's so cute! We should have one," She suggested.

Regulus's eyes widened, "How about we babysit first and revisit this conversation in a year or two."

"You're no fun."

Remus's finger had been taken prisoner by our son, who had his whole hand wrapped around Remus's index finger while Sirius held him.

"Did you write your family yet?" Remus asked cautiously, not taking his eyes off of our baby.

"No," I replied, "I've been a bit busy giving birth and everything. Plus it's two in the morning, so I'll write my siblings later."

Sirius passed our son to Remus, who held him so carefully.

"Are you sure I can hold him? I don't want-"

James cut Remus off, "Don't be silly, Moony. He likes you and you can't hurt him anymore than the rest of us can."

Remus's face softened and his body was no longer tense as he held our baby.

"Hey there Prongs Junior," Remus cooed, "I'm Uncle Moony."

I smiled even wider at the sight of our friends holding our baby and talking to him in soft voices.

"What's his name?" Regulus asked.

I looked over and James and he nodded at me.

"His name is Julian," I replied, "Julian Fleamont Potter.

Jolie clapped her hands softly, "Aw that's so cute, we can call him Jules."

"It is Sirius Black approved," Sirius stated.

James smiled, "Well I'm glad that you all like it."

After about an hour or so of our friends passing around Julian, we all were hit hard with the fact that it was almost four in the morning and that none of us had slept.

It hit me the hardest because of the whole labor and childbirth thing, and I ended up passing out while everyone else was mid-conversation.

I ended up waking up a couple hours later because Julian was hungry and I needed to feed him.

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