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The sun flickered in through the window, illuminating the dorm, and drawing me out of my deep sleep. As soon as I opened my eyes, the light felt blinding and my head was pounding in my skull.

"Merlin, I'm never drinking again," I muttered to myself, sitting up in Remus's bed.

"We both know that's a lie."

My head turned to the bathroom door, where James was standing with his red toothbrush in his mouth. His hair was tousled and his button-up shirt was had the top three buttons undone.

Well good morning.

"Bonjour, Prongs." I groaned before laying back down in the bed.

I took a look around the room. Frank was gone, with his bed already made, Adrian had never came back for the night, and then there was Remus and Sirius. The two boys were cuddled up in Sirius's bed. Remus was curled into Sirius's side, and Sirius had both arms wrapped around Remus's thin body.

"Aren't they so cute?" James asked as he returned from brushing his teeth.

I smiled at him, "They are, but when did that happen?"

"Oh, it's been happening for about a year now."

"What?" I exclaimed, my voice still hushed. "I mean, I had suspicions, they're not very slick, you know."

James chuckled, "They never have been."

I rubbed my temples as the pounding in my head got quicker.


I nodded at James, and he sat down on the edge of Remus's bed. He rustled around in his trunk for a bit before pulling out a small phial.

He handed it to me, "Pepper-up potion. It works for hangovers too."

"You're a lifesaver."

The cork popped out of the phial and I threw it back. The potion tasted awful, but anything was better than this goddamn hangover.

The sheets crinkled as Remus stirred in bed.

James got up from the bed and tiptoed over to Sirius's bed. "Good morning fuckers!" He yelled as he flung himself onto Remus and Sirius.

I began laughing as Sirius and Remus groaned at James.

"Get your fat arse off me?!" Sirius mumbled, burying his head under the pillow.

Remus brought his hand over his eyes, which were still trying to adjust to the morning light that was peering in through the windows.

Sighing in defeat, Sirius finally sat up. Running a hand through his hair, he asked, "Does anyone remember anything-, why are you here?"

Padfoot's eyes met mine. I guess he really doesn't remember anything.

"I slept here, that's why Remus was sleeping with you."

Sirius smirked, "Moony does a lot more than sleep with-"

He was cut off by Remus's hand flying over to cover Sirius's mouth. James burst out laughing and I soon followed.

"Shut up, my head hurts." Sirius groaned.

Remus rolled his eyes, "Anyways, what does everyone remember from last night? Since I was the only sober one."

My eyes quickly glanced over to James. He probably doesn't even remember so there's really no point in bringing it up.

"I remember Sirius skinny dipping," James replied, making me snap my eyes away from him. "I also remember Sirius and I singing Don't Go Breaking My Heart."

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