forty one

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I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. Surprisingly, I woke up in my bed next to James, which I don't know how because I don't remember anything after seeing James and the rest of the boys at the second club.

My small red dress that I wore last night was still on, and my heels in scattered across the bedroom floor.

James shifted beside me in bed as he began to wake up.

I tapped him on the shoulder, "James-, wake up, darling."

His hazel eyes opened sleepily, "Huh?"

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

There was another set of shifting on the other side of James, "Shut the fuck up, my head is pounding."

I sat up slightly and saw Sirius's face smushed against James' pillow, his long hair fanned around him.

"Padfoot," I said hesitantly, "Why are you in our bed?"

James held a finger to my lips, shushing me, "Dear, I love you, but it sounds like you're yelling."

Sirius sat up against our headboard, "All I can say is that I only remember Remus and Lily attempting to wrangle us all up and bring us home sometime after three in the morning, and somehow I ended up here."

There was a groan coming from the floor, "Shut the fuck up, I'm still trying to sleep."

This time James sat up in bed, clutching his head. I glanced to the floor and made eye contact with Remus.

"Moony? Why are you also in our bedroom?" James asked in a defeated tone.

Remus looked at his watch, "Because Regulus and Jolie are sleeping in the guest bedroom, and Lily and Marlene are asleep on your couch. Dorcas and Alice were the only ones sober enough to get home safely, aside from Lily and I."

"Exactly," Sirius huffed, "So that's why I'm in your bed."

James looked at his best friend. "Wait-, so I was cuddling with you, not Daph?"

"Most likely, yes." Remus replied as he got up from his makeshift bed on the floor.

I reached across my fiancé to hit Sirius in the chest. "We're getting married tomorrow, you can't keep crawling into bed with us."

Sirius threw his hands up in the air dramatically, "So no sleepovers?"

James' eyes widened, "You can't take away our sleepover rights."

"I wasn't going to," I groaned, "Bloody hell I need a Pepper-Up potion for this wicked hangover."

"There's some in the bathroom, solely for hangovers." James replied as he flopped back down onto our bed.

Remus, being the most amazing person to ever walk the Earth, gladly fetched a Pepper-Up potion from the master bathroom, and handed it to me as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

I took a gulp of the peppery tasting liquid and passed it to James, who did the same. He coughed at the taste as he passed the large bottle to Sirius, the latter taking two large swigs of the potion.

"I drank the most out of all of us, so an extra dose won't hurt."

The potion quickly took effect in dimming the wicked hangover that had been pounding in my head. My headache and nausea disappeared and it no longer felt like someone was smacking me in the head with a sledgehammer when I sat up and got out of bed.

I grabbed the bottle of Pepper-Up potion from Sirius, "I'll go distribute this to all of the other people who somehow ended up crashing at our house last night."

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