forty three

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When I reached the foyer, I unlinked my arm from Remus's and he kissed me on the cheek before joining the rest of the groomsmen outside.

My dad was waiting for me, and he smiled widely once he saw me.

"I can't believe that my oldest daughter is getting married," He said, "You look gorgeous."

I hugged my dad, "Thanks, Dad."

"Having any doubts."

I shook my head, "None, which is weird because people always say that they have doubts before their wedding, but I have none at all."

"That's how you know you picked the right one."

The officiant, James, and the rest of the boys were already at the altar and were soon followed by Euphemia and Fleamont, then my mother, Lucille.

Lily squeezed my hand, "See you at the altar."

I watched as the bridesmaids walked down the aisle, bouquets in hand, and took their places on the side of the altar.

My dad held out his arm, and I linked mine through his. He smiled at me, "Let's go get you married."

When we stepped out of the house and onto the aisle, instead of behind hit with the cool winter air, the temperature remained the same as it was inside the manor.

A warming spell, cast by Euphemia Potter.

James' hazel eyes widened as he saw me, and he grinned widely.

I couldn't help but smile back just as widely at him. This was our day.

When I reached the altar, my dad kissed me on the cheek before helping me up onto the low, wooden platform serving as an altar. There was an archway behind us, covered in flowers that matched all of the bouquets.

I handed my bouquet to Jolie and took James' hands in mine.

"You look beautiful." James whispered as the guests sat back down.

I smiled, "And you look very handsome."

James grinned back at me.

The wedding officiant spoke, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls, James Potter, and Daphne Beaufort."

James' squeezed my hand reassuringly, never taking his eyes off me as the officiant spoke.

"All of us need and desire love. Some of us spend our whole lives looking for love, but James and Daphne are some of the lucky few who have found the person that they want to commit their life to so young." The officiant spoke, smiling at James and me. "Marriage is perhaps the greatest adventure that two souls can go on in their lives. It can be challenging at times, but can be made up for in the love that they feel for one another."

I heard a sniffle from the crowd and looked to see Euphemia Potter dabbing her eyes with Fleamont's hanker chief.

"You may state your vows."

James smiled, "We have known each other since we were eleven, and have been best friends ever since we met. However, overall of the time that we spent together I realized that I didn't want to be just friends, I wanted to be your husband. Even from the first month that we dated, I knew that the end goal was to marry you and to have a future with you. Now that I'm standing here, on this altar, holding your hands, all I can think is that this is long overdue. Some people might say that we're too young, but I say that we have loved each other long enough to have to wait another day to be married. Daphne Jane Beaufort, I love you, and I will keep on loving you until the very end."

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