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The month of January went by fast as everyone got back into their routines. Wake up, breakfast, classes, lunch, classes, dinner, James goes to quidditch practice, study and hang out, make out in the empty common room, go to bed, repeat.

As much as I hated sleeping alone, I was able to keep it under control most nights. Though I still had nightmares every night, except the nights we had sleepovers.

Every Friday and Saturday night I would have a sleepover with the boys in their dorm, much to their roommates' dislike. It was nice to at least get to fall asleep next to James, even if it was only two nights every week.

After the second week of this, Frank gave up on complaining about it, and I actually got to have a conversation with their fifth roommate, Adrian Tonks, the younger brother of Ted Tonks, making Adrian Sirius's second cousin or something. They weren't close.

Lily, being a Prefect, was obligated to acknowledge my disappearance from our dormitory every Friday and Saturday night, but she never reported me for it. She knew about the nightmares, and she's heard me wake up screaming, so Lily let it slide.

"Guess what's next Monday?" James asked as he leaned in close to me.

I didn't take my eyes off of my parchment as I sarcastically replied, "I don't know, a Potions exam?"

James and I were sitting in the library on a Thursday afternoon, working on our homework since we both had a free period.

"It's Valentine's day!" James exclaimed as he took my parchment away from me.

I looked up at him, "Yes love, I did know that, however, I was trying to finish my Charms essay."

"Wanna go to Hogsmeade on Saturday?"

"Are you asking me on an official date?"

James smirked, "Yes, I am."

I touched my quill to my lips as I pretended to think for a few seconds. "I would love to."

James kissed me on the cheek, "It'll be day one of our Valentine's day."

"I don't like Valentine's day." I admitted, looking at James, who was staring at me adoringly.

He furrowed his brows, "Why not? How could you not like Valentine's day?"

"Well," I sighed, "It's a lucrative holiday that relies on people's short-lived relationships. Valentine's day is solely made to benefit the economy." I took a breath and smiled at James, "So yes, I am not a fan of Valentine's day."

James looked at me, "You just sucked the fun right out of Valentine's day."

I rolled my eyes, "Valentine's day is just a reminder to all single people that they're single."

"Well this is your first Valentine's day having a strikingly handsome boyfriend, and it's my first Valentine's day where I'm not getting constantly rejected," James teased, "So I'm going to make you like Valentine's day if it's the last thing that I do."

I kissed James on the cheek, "If that's your way of asking me to be your valentine, then my answer is yes."

James grinned triumphantly, "I was hoping you'd say that."

"Can I have my parchment back now? I really do need to finish my Charms essay."

James slid my parchment back to me and kissed me on the head before returning to his own essay.

About an hour later, I was finally done with my essay and was helping James finish his when Sirius and Remus came walking into the library, a copy of the Daily Prophet in their hands.

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