thirty four

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TW: Sex
If you don't feel comfortable with this, skip down to the second set of ellipses.

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After stumbling home, James and I attempted to quietly unlock the front door but failing when we kept laughing. When we walked into the living room, Jolie and Regulus were sitting on the couch watching a movie. His arm was wrapped around her, and she was cuddled up in his embrace.

"Aw, they're so cute!" James whispered yelled as he grabbed me by the hand and led me up the stairs.

I stopped halfway up the stairway, "Happy sixteenth birthday, Reg!"

Regulus stifled a laugh, "Thanks Daphne, I'll see you in the morning?"

James saluted him, "Yes, sir."

Jolie rolled her eyes at us and James continued to drag me up the staircase to our bedroom, stopping occasionally to kiss me.

"Don't forget a silencing spell, please."

I laughed at her comment, "I would never."

"Goodnight lovebirds!" James chimed in a singsong voice as he pulled me into our bedroom and closed and locked the door behind us.

His body pressed up against mine as I leaned against the closed door. I pulled my wand out and muttered a silencing spell.

James smirked, "Are you sure?"

I kissed him hard on the lips, "Please."

He brought his lips down to mine again, this time he kissed me passionately. His lips tasted of desire and lust.

"Wait-," James pulled away, "Are you drunk?"

I shook my head, "Tipsy, but sober enough to know that I want this. I want you."


James placed his hands on either side of my head as his body pressed against mine as he dove back in for another kiss. I was pulling James against me by the belt loops of his slacks.

I turned my head slightly, "Wait-, are you drunk?"

James' hazel eyes pierced mine, "No, just tipsy."

I pulled James back against my body as his lips went to my neck, where he immediately began placing small love bites going lower and lower until he reached my collarbone.

My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and I leaned my head back against the door.

I was completely at his disposal.

James' hands gripped my thighs as he carried me over to our bed and threw me down.

I laid back on the bed, letting my dress ride up as James looked me up and down. "You are breathtaking."

"Darling, I'm just getting started." I teased.

He climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck again. His hand was gripping my thigh as I eagerly ran my hands through his curls.

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