forty nine

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March 21st, 1979

Three months following the death of my father, I found myself sitting beside James in the dusty basement of an undisclosed location once again.

James and I had been back and forth between London and Paris since January, busy with our friends and Order business in London, and busy with renovating the estate in Paris.

I felt less pain everyday in regards to my late father, and was able to grieve for a bit before pulling myself back together.

Henry and Beatrice were back at Hogwarts, and wrote occasionally. Regulus was finishing up his final year at Hogwarts, and complained in every single letter how terribly bored he is.

The room quieted immediately as Dumbledore appeared, his long, billowy robes swishing against the stone floor as he walked to his seat at the head of the long, oak table.

"Welcome," Dumbledore said, "I will start today's meeting off blunt."

Lily tapped her fingers anxiously against her leg to my left. Marlene noticed, and intertwined her fingers through Lily's, giving her girlfriend a reassuring smile.

"While we are not in grave danger, we have an inside source reporting that the numbers of people joining Voldemort's ranks are increasing."

Sirius leaned over and whispered, "Reggie is the inside source, since he's in Slytherin, and quite a few Slytherin's are siding with Voldemort."

I bit into my lip nervously.

Beatrice and Henry are in Slytherin, though I doubt that they would ever consider siding with such a prejudice monster.

"For the safety of muggles, as well as muggle borns," Dumbledore continued, "Our patrols will become more frequent, and we will need more people out on patrols."

Lily raised her hand confidently, "I'll do it, I can patrol."

Marlene grabbed her and hand and pulled it down. "Me too," She said after a moments hesitation where she and Lily seemed to have a conversation with each other with only their eyes.

Sirius, Remus, and James had gone on patrol occasionally, but never more than once a month.

"I can patrol too," I stated, not even glancing in James' direction. He won't be happy.

More and more people began to volunteer for patrol duties until every single member of the Order was signed up to patrol, save Molly Weasley who was busy with three young children, and less than a year old twins. She tried to volunteer but Dumbledore and Arthur wouldn't let her.

There wasn't much to discuss at this meeting except for the patrol schedule.

James made sure that either he, Sirius, or Remus were with me on patrol at all times. Part of me was annoyed, but I knew that he was just looking out for me because he loves me.

Marlene looked bored as hell and whispered something about having us all over to drink.

When the meeting came to an end, we all decided that we would go over to Marlene and Lily's flat at seven to hangout like we used to when we all went to Hogwarts. Our schedules and the whole not being roommates made it difficult to see each other as often as we liked, but we made it work.

• • • • •

After the Order meeting, James and I went home, accompanied by Jolie, and a very bored Sirius and Remus.

They were on the search for a flat to move into, and were determined to find out if any of our neighbors townhouses were up for sale.

Sirius sat out of the front porch for the better part of the hour, socializing with neighbors and other people who walked by.

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