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Daphne J. Potter
September 21st, 1979

The day went as usual. Sirius, being our neighbor, burst into our bedroom at seven in the morning solely because he could. I went to lunch and did some shopping with Jolie, before she and Regulus left for a patrol, and before I went to St. Mungo's.

All of the repetitive days had started to get boring, but it was near impossible to get a job now.

Euphemia and Fleamont fell ill with Dragon Pox last week, and they weren't doing well.

Both of them had been hospitalized at St. Mungo's, and the Healers couldn't do much anymore except make them comfortable. James spent most of the day by his parents bedside, Sirius and Regulus typically beside him. Remus, Jolie, and I were there as well, but the boys practically had to be dragged from the hospital room to eat and drink water.

I held James' hand as I sat with him beside Euphemia and Fleamont's bedside, but sometimes he needed space so I would go home to change and eat food.

James was the most reluctant to ever leave his parents alone, but Fleamont insisted that everyone should go home and rest. Euphemia agreed and told all of her sons to go take a hot shower and eat before they came back.

I sat beside my mother-in-laws bedside as Fleamont slept in his small hospital bed a few feet away. Remus and Jolie had gotten the boys to go home to take care of themselves, but I decided to stay.

"I'm sorry that I'll never get to meet my grandchildren," Euphemia croaked.

I looked at her alarmingly, "What? You don't know that-"

"Yes, I do, dear."

I clasped my hand over hers, which seemed frail in my grasp.

"Regardless of whether or not I get to meet them," Euphemia added, "I love them with my entire being."

I blinked the tears from my eyes, "And they will love you."

Euphemia smiled weakly at me. Her heath had diminished at rapid speed since see fell ill, but she still managed to smile.

"I'm glad that you and James found each other young. Some people don't find 'the one' until much later in their lives."

"Me too," I replied, "And I'm so grateful that you took me into your family even before James and I were dating."

Euphemia brushed my hair out of my face. "You've always been my daughter Daphne, even before you fell in love with my son."

I smiled sadly at the woman who had become my mother after my own mother didn't want me. Euphemia always treated me like a daughter from the first time we met, even though she had no reason to. She took me in for all of the holidays and summers. She welcomed me into the family.

"And you've been more of a mother to me than my own mother, and for that I am forever grateful," I replied, my voice soft.

My mother-in-law held my hand as we awaited her son's returns.

• • • • •

The Cave, Great Britain

"This place gives me the creeps," Regulus muttered as he looked around the cave.

"Kreacher agrees, Master Regulus, Kreacher doesn't like the Inferi." The house-elf stated as he stood his masters side.

Jolie tightened her grip on Regulus's hand. "Can we please get the Horcrux and get out of here?"

"Kreacher fears it will not be that easy."

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