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Everyone spent the first day in Italy being lazy. James and I spent the whole day in bed, laying in the sunlight and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Jolie announced that she was going to the beach, and Regulus tagged along with her. Coincidence? No, it's just the start of a new romance, well, hopefully. Remus managed to talk Sirius into going to explore the town, despite the latter wanting to go to the beach as well.

However, after getting some much well-needed rest, the morning of our second day in Amalfi, Italy, we were all ready to start ramping up.

When I woke up, Sirius and Remus were chatting in the kitchen, wide awake.

"Good morning, boys." I mumbled as I tugged on the hem of my t-shirt.

Sirius grinned, "Good morning sunshine, I went out this morning and stocked up on the alcohol."

"Thanks?" I muttered, leaning against the kitchen counter. "It's not even ten in the morning, how long have you been up?"

Remus rolled his eyes, "He's been up since seven, and I'm surprised that he didn't wake you up because he was being so fucking loud as he got ready."

I laughed, "Per usual, coffee?"

"Got some of that too," Sirius replied, "It's the cabinet to your left."

I nodded at Sirius and began to get out the coffee grounds and a mug.

"Is everyone else still sleeping?"

Remus nodded, "Yeah, Jolie and Regulus were out late last night."

"Since when did they go out? I thought they just went to the beach."

Sirius smirked knowingly, "They did, then they got dinner, then they came home, but then you and James went to bed and they decided to go out."

"Interesting," I grinned, "We didn't even need to scheme to get them together-, well, they're not together, but-"

"You technically did scheme by inventing the both of them on this couples trip." Remus teased, crossing his legs under the table.

Our gossip was cut short as the sound of footsteps echoed on the stairs.

Moments later, Regulus Black walked into the kitchen. His hair was tousled and messy, his black t-shirt was wrinkled, and his plaid pajama pants hung low around his waist.

"Good morning." I cheered as Regulus took a seat across from his older brother.

He ran a hand through his hair, "Good morning, how long have you been up?"

"Not long," Sirius quickly replied, "Where's Jolie?"

Regulus's face blushed for the slightest moment before returning to normal. "Sleeping,
I assume."

"Yeah," I clicked my tongue, "Rough night?"

Regulus looked up at me with a confused look on his face, "What are you suggesting?"

"They think you and Jo have sexual tension-"

"Moony," Sirius hit his boyfriend's arm, "Shut the fuck up!"

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