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The common room was crowded with older students from all houses. Years four and under had been ushered to bed by none other than Moomy and Dadfoot.

James was sitting on the floor cradling a bottle of firewhiskey. I followed the trail to where James' eyes were looking.

Hmm, Lily Evans. What a shocker.

Lily was standing in a group with her friends Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Alice Fortescue, and Dorcas Meadows.

"Hey, Daph!"

I snapped my gaze back to see that Jolie had joined the party. She had missed dinner.

"Hey, Jo, where were you during dinner?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Her arctic eyes were wild, along with her hair. "I was meeting a friend."

"Oh, a friend you say?" I teased back.

"You're just upset that your summer romance still lives in France."

I rolled my eyes at her. "You're right, stupid Beauxbatons. I could've gone there but my parents just had to move us to fucking Scotland."

"She was quite pretty. What was her name again-"


Jolie laughed, "Now I remember!"

I laughed with Jolie, but my attention was still on James. "I'm gonna go check on James, he hasn't been taking it well."

"As I assumed," Jolie muttered, "I'll find you later, I'm gonna go catch up with our roommates."

I smiled, "Okay, I'll catch up with you later. I haven't had a chance to talk to Lily and Marlene yet."

Jolie planted a quick kiss on my cheek and made her way to our roommates and friends.

I ran my hand through my hair and walked over to where James was still sitting. He looked up at me as I sat down, "You don't have-"

"Shut up and pass the bottle."

James chuckled and handed me his bottle of firewhiskey.

I  raised the bottle in the air before bringing it up to my lips. Instead of taking a swig, I took several sips despite the protests from James for me to slow down.

"James, you're not the only one who has problems to drink away."

"I did realize that." James mumbled taking the firewhiskey back from me.

"Yeah-, wait! What did you say?"

James took a swig of firewhiskey, "Tu n'es pas le seul à parler français."

"C'est tout simplement génial. Passe moi la bouteille." I mumbled, extending my hand for James to give me the now almost empty bottle.

James passed the bottle, and our fingers brushed against each other. He smirked, "We really should stop drinking."

"I thought you were drinking to forget?"

"Well, I think there's going to be some things that I'll want to remember."

I took a sip of the firewhiskey, which burned slightly as it ran down my throat into my stomach. I passed the bottle back to James who took the final sip before tossing it aside onto the couch.

Remus walked over to James and me, eyeing the empty bottle of firewhiskey behind us.

"This is just wonderful."

James smirked, "You know you love us."

"Where's Padfoot?" I asked, extending my hand from Remus to pull me up from the floor.

son amour - j. potterWhere stories live. Discover now