twenty four

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The rest of the Easter break went by quickly, thankfully. We barely saw mum the whole week, she would hide out in her room, have Jilly bring her meals to her, and more bottles of alcohol to drown her days away.

I should feel sorry for her, but I don't.

She did this to herself.

She's the one who never loved her children, the one who didn't even acknowledge her husband, the one who plays the victim card even though she's the one who tore our family apart.

My dad and James got along quite well, which wasn't surprising.

I got to spend time catching up with Beatrice, and she told me all about her fourth year drama.

Henry seemed to like James a well, but it's always hard to tell with him.

James and I were walking through the castle grounds as we got off of the Hogwarts Express in Hogsmeade and got into a carriage.

As we walked through the courtyard, I immediately spotted Remus and Sirius waiting for us.

"Hey, lovebirds!" I yelled, getting their attention.

Sirius's head shot up, and he ran over to us. Running straight past me, Sirius flung himself into James' arms, engulfing him into a tight hug, which James quickly reciprocated.

"You're not allowed to leave me for a week!" Sirius mumbled.

James patted his friend on the back, "Idiot-, you didn't want to come with us."

I gave a small laugh, and walked over to Remus, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey, Vixen."

"I missed you, Moony."

When Remus and I pulled away from each other's embrace, Sirius pulled me in for a hug, wrapped his arms right around my body.

"Please don't take him away again!" Sirius whispered into my blonde braid.

I smirked, "Don't worry, I won't."

The four of us walked back into the castle and made our way up to the Gryffindor tower. The common room was bustling as people said their hello's to their friends and caught up with each other about their holiday.

Jolie, Marlene, Lily, and Mary were sprawled across couches in the common room, talking to Frank and Alice, the latter holding out her hand for everyone to see. All of the girls were gushing over it.

I handed my trunk to James and walked over to the group, getting their attention as I approached.


Jolie pulled me into a hug, her curly ponytail flying.


I took turns hugging everyone, hugging Alice last. I grabbed her hand first, my blue eyes widening at the sight of the engagement ring on her finger.

"Oh, Alice!" I turned to Frank and smiled, "Congratulations, you two."

Frank smiled, "We're thinking about a summer wedding, as soon as school's done."

James, who had joined me shortly before, shook hands with Frank, "We'll be there."

I quickly brought my trunk up to my dormitory and returned down to the common room. James was sitting in an armchair by the couches, and I kissed him on the cheek as I sat on his lap, turning my attention to everyone's conversations.

Despite the weather warming up, the common room was still a bit chilly for my liking.

Thankfully, I had James.

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