twenty two

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Late March

The rest of February and most of March flew by. Spring was in the air, as well as new romances.

James and I are as happy as ever, Remus and Sirius are like an old married couple, and surprisingly, Lily and Marlene began dating at the end of February. This shocked everyone, but they were very happy together.

"Wait, so you never even liked men?" James asked, his eyes wide.

Lily laughed at him, "I swing both ways, idiot!"

Marlene and Lily were happy, Jolie was still bouncing from guy to guy, but she was happy, and I was happy.

Everything was going well.

At the moment the owls came flying into the Great Hall to deliver the morning post. I returned my attention my plate, my parents never send me anything, they never write, and began to cut my pancake.

An owl was hovering above my shoulder, pecking at my hair until I looked at it.

"What the fuck-," I looked at the snowy owl. "Oh, Khione."

James held his finger out of Khione to perch herself on as he stroked her head. "Whose owl?"

I detached the letter tied to her leg, "She's my parents', her names Khione."

"After the Greek goddess of snow?" Remus asked as he set his coffee mug back onto the table.

"Snowy owl, goddess of snow, ironic isn't it?" I laughed as I stared at the letter in my hand.

My parents never write. My dad is too busy with his work for the Ministry, especially now because of the war, and my mum barely acknowledges me when I'm home, so it makes sense that she never writes to me.

I fiddled with the letter in my hands, knowing that James still had his eyes on me.

The wax seal unstuck itself as I peeled open the cream-colored envelope and took out the thick parchment letter.

James grabbed my hand reassuringly, and I gave him a small smile as I began to read the letter.


I hope all is well! Your father and I saw that you're dating that Potter boy in the Daily Prophet, congratulations on that.

Now, I know it's last-minute but your father and I were hoping that you and your friends would join us for the Easter holidays. James, Remus, Sirius, and Jolie are more than welcome anytime.

Hope you hear from you by the end of the week.


I slapped the letter on the table and dropped my head into my hands.

"What a bitch." I muttered.

James wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "What's wrong love?"

"My mum wants me-, well us," I point to the four of us, "To come home for Easter holiday."

Sirius dropped his fork onto his plate. "Really? Mums don't like me."

"My mum loves you, Padfoot." James assured.

I turned to James, "My parents want to meet you."

"Joseph and Lucille have already met me." James replied as he took a bite out of his bacon.

I rolled my eyes, "As my boyfriend. Plus, they barely know you."

"I will happily meet your parents, I'll just write to my mum that we won't be going home for the holiday."

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